Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Peas

Mains Curry Pepper Chicken ...

Leek cut into slices and boil 1 min. in the broth. The rice is added at the bottom of a casserole dish. Leeks and bouillon is poured over. Peas, salt, pepper and Curry met by and the blended. The chicken is split into 4 and placed on top of the mixture. Be mad

Salads A little pressed garlic Pepper Salt ...

It all mix easily in a bowl and season with e.g. soybean, paprika, chilli, ketchup, garlic, curry paste or similar, depending on what it is for. Tips: Well suited to cooked vegetables.

Sides Peas Brown rice Corn ...

All the ingredients are mixed together and voila! Tips: There is no specific target for how much of what. Taste and pleasure.

Lunch Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Pasta is cooked and cooled screws The other ingredients are mixed together and season with pepper, salt and lemon juice The rest are mixed in and then put on ice a few hours. and put on ice

Mains 2 tsp. Thai fish sauce Desiccated coconut Mango chutney ...

Cook the rice and chilled them slightly by, or use a fairly cold rice from the day before. Heat oil in a wide saucepan or Saute pan and saute the karryen stirring for about ½ minute, for the smell. Add the meat and fry it, while you touch in it with a fork

Mains Peas Pepper Provencekryderi ...

The meat cut into cubes Peppers and onions into fine strips garlic finely chopped button mushrooms, sliced Bacon svites golden brown in pan and put up Add a little more olive oil or liquid mortgage margarine pepper, onion, garlic and sauté of chicken in

Mains The whole cumin seeds Ground turmeric Salt ...

Set the peas to soak in plenty of water in 2-3 hours, drain and blame the peas well. Bring the split peas and water to a boil in a large pot. Put the lid on and let them simmer for 30 minutes. Take the Pan from the heat. Heat the ghee in a large pot for smo

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

1: Cook the pasta in plenty of water, see the cooking time on the package. Pour them in a colander to drain away. 2: Brown the meat in the oil for the crumbles. 3: add carrots, tomato paste, 3 dl. water and spices. Bring to the boil and simmer low for 30 min