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Recipes with Peas

Mains Peas Corn Curry ...

melt the butter in a frying pan saute the karryen and add the chicken, add the other ingredients, Tips: Remember to cook the rice and pasta ... a go right if you have a busy life:)

Mains Peas Wheat flour Corn kernels ...

1 kg. Beef or veal cut into cubes on a few cm., Brown lightly in butter and sprinkled with a little flour. 2 onions, chop finely, 3 green pepper holsters and 6 peeled tomatoes too, the whole roasted in oil, one starts with the onions and pepper and one come

Salads Mixed herbs Lemon juice Peas ...

Fixed the rhubarb bake easy tender with sugar at low heat and allow to cool. Asparagus peeled off, blanceres and cooled. Peas blended with white balsamic vinegar, s + p and olive oil. Grated beetroot blended with dark balsamic vinegar, s + p and olive oil.

Lunch Peas Lemon juice Corn ...

Mayonaise and miracle whip is stirred together us season with grated onions, salt, pepper and lemon juice. tuna and vegetables are changed in the dressing. served with wholemeal bread

Mains Curry Suit Salt ...

Brown meat in butter with added Curry. The whole mushrooms and onions added with water and tomato puree. When the meat is tender, add the peas and cocktail sausages. solve rice is served at. Tips: cocktail sausages cracks easily, and they must, therefore,

Sides Fresh pasta Spices of your choice Peas ...

Cut the tomatoes into cubes and put in a bowl with oil and kryderierne. then Cook pasta in 3 min. you came the pasta in the bowl with the tomatoes and peas came in. stir so oil and the vegetables will be mixed with the pasta. Tips: is good with chicken ´.

Appetizers Baby lettuce Avocado Pine nuts or almonds ...

Slice the chicken fillets into strips/cubes and FRY in a pan until they are through fried. Add the pine nuts, or coarsely chopped almonds-they should only have a small minute or two. The mixture is cooled. Mix the chicken mixture with baby lettuce, peas, cherr

Mains Basil Oregano Pepper ...

Boil the spaghetti. Rose then chicken/kalkunfiletten on the forehead, and cut it into small pieces. Also cut the onion and bell pepper into small pieces. Melt 50 g margarine in a saucepan and saute the onions first. Then met bell peppers and peas in,