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Recipes with Peas

Appetizers Peas Dill Iceberg lettuce ...

brocoli main boil 6 min broken ismå buketer cremfraichen rørres with a38 chives, dill, onion, garlic, peas, iceberg lettuce and carrots in kommei along with brocckolien, peas, ham cubes in decorating with tomato and chives. served with grovflutes

Mains Potato flour Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in a little olive oil, add a little water approx. 2 dl.-white wine-lauerbærblade-Peppercorn-onion cut into both-cinnamon stick-saffron. Let it spin for the meat is almost tender. Then add the carrots-garlic in all bold-peas-raisins and peeled

Salads Peas Balsamic vinegar A little bit of chili ...

Cut the cooked potatoes in pieces! Pipe a "dressing" of the finely chopped onions, garlic, oil, balsamic vinegar, if desired (you don't need as much balsamic vinegar, to taste along the way on a piece of potato) and the spices! Pour it all over the potatoes an

Mains Parmesan cheese Whole milk or cream Peas ...

Water for the pasta is put over to boil. At the same time, heat a frying pan with a little olive oil. When the Pan is hot, pour the bacon and fried golden brown. The pasta pour into the Pan when the water is boiling. When the bacon is done pour the milk or

Soups Sour cream Pepper Salt ...

Sauté in butter squashen. Mix all the other ingredients in another pot and let it boil up. Turn down the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the squashen that some gruel is with the starts to boil out. Purer mixture in the blender with a little at a time.

Mains Grated cheese Cucumber Peas ...

Cook the rice. saute the chicken add the Spice called. Cook the peas. Meanwhile, chicken, rice and peas cooker-cut cucumber into small pieces and tomatoes in both. Pour the chicken, peas and rice in a deep Bowl and add the grated cheese on top. Tips:

Mains Peas Cooked rice Grated carrots ...

You take a frying pan comes in, then comes oil rice, carrots and peas. (you can also get other vegetables in) Tips: You must stir around in it ...

Soups Citric acid Water Carrots ...

Peel the potatoes and carrots, cut them into cubes. Getting them into the water. Cut the meat into cubes joined them in water. Let it cook for 10 minutes, came the peas and pasta in, let it boil another 10 minutes. Citric acid and salt came in and let the smal