Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Broth ...

The onions chopped, mushrooms and onions and skives champignonger Brown in half the oil in a pan together with the smoked bacon into cubes. Turkey meat is sprinkled with pepper and paprika and Brown in the second half of the oil in a pan. Add the tomato pur

Pickling Pepper Salt English sauce ...

Squashen cut into small cubes and onion chopped finely, the sauté in oil, until it is lightly shiny. Garlic chop and place in, it is cooked with white wine vinegar, then add brown sugar, English sauce and tomato puree. It boils at approximately 4-5 minutes at

Mains Basil Mushrooms Onion ...

Half of forcemeat is arranged in an ovenproof dish. The filling which is switched on the forehead make over, the rest of forcemeat is used to cover. Must have one hour in the oven at 200 degrees c. Accessories: flute, potatoes, rice, salad

Mains Basil, dried Red wine. meat Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Mushroom and Zucchini cut into slices, and onion chopped. Saute mushrooms and onion in olive oil, add the squash by a pargange to the fallen together. Add oregano, basil, pressed garlic and salt. Add diced tomatoes and red wine and simmer for about 10 mi

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Tomato scalded and skinned. In a greased dish, alternating layers of squash into slices, tomato slices and onions into thin slices. On each layer accepted that a little salt and pepper and some dabs butter or margarine. Top layer sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Soups Chicken soup Natural smørost Cream ...

FRY løgen and carrots came is for water and hansekødssuppen in leave it then in about 1 hour and after letting it melt the cheese and butter just before eating so must the cream in. Tips: Served as an appetizer with hvisløgsbrød.

Soups Salt Boullionterning Garlic or 1 tsp garlic powder ...

cut the flesh into small cubes, finely chop the onion, Brown the meat in margarine and heel it into a saucepan. Sauté the onion and mix it with the meat. Add the paprika, tomato paste, water and boullionterning. boil the soup, covered, 10-20 min. kartoflet Pee

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Salt Cumin, whole ...

Squashen cut into cubes, cabbage is split into small flower bouquets and the carrots cut into slices. Sauté the chopped onion and garlic in butter. Add the spices and then the remaining vegetables and broth. The Court let simmer for 20 minutes and add lemon