Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Sides Oil for deep frying Bicarbonate of soda Cayenne pepper ...

Make a batter of chickpea flour in a bowl or chick peas, which is pulverized into a blender, bicarbonate of soda and cold water. Pipe it peeled halved onions that are cut into paper thin slices, in conjunction with the cumin, cayenne pepper and salt. Heat t

Mains Chopped tomatoes, canned Curry Paprika ...

The onions cut into slices. Carrots and celery into sticks. Koteletterne plumped, sprinkled with salt and pepper and Brown in a pan, take up. Onions, carrots, celery, curry powder and paprika svitstes. Add the chopped tomatoes, along with piskefløden.

Mains Crushed peppercorns Bay leaf Parsley ...

Upillede onion, halve it and heat the cut surface in a greased frying pan until it is dark brown (this will give the soup color). Got the meat, chicken, salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaf, a few stalks of parsley (and preferably parsley root) celery leaves and the

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Turn the meat in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper. Heat the oil and butter, and Brown links on all pages. Turn down the heat, and add the carrot, cut into strips, the chopped onion and parsley, and cook everything together for a moment, then add tomato pure

Mains Salt Onion Olive oil ...

Poularden in 8 pieces and slice the ham into narrow strips. Heat the olive oil and fry the poularden and ham lightly for a moment along with the chopped onion and garlic. Take it out of the pan. In the same oil FRY Scampis and the udskivede Octopus for a momen

Mains 1 pair of drops of ketchup 1 pair of cabbage leaves A thin batter of wheat flour and water ...

Start with filling: Fry the chopped onion and garlic in a little oil, add the chopped pork, divorced with a fork, and the finely chopped vegetables. Roast it for a few minutes and then add the salt, pepper and spice, let it cook for 8-10 minutes, while constan

Mains Carrot Crushed peppercorns Bay leaf ...

Subcutaneous fat meat with bacon by making some incisions with a pointy, sharp knife, and Jack bacon into the meat (you can also ombinde the meat with bacon slices before frying). Mariner animal in a mixture of wine and herbs. The meat of the deer should be ma

Soups Freshly ground white pepper Parsley Butter ...

Cut the poularden in 8 parts, and rub them with salt and pepper. Butter an enameled soup pot at the bottom. Put a layer of udskivede leek, onion, carrot, celery and parsley in the bottom. Put the chicken pieces over, and let it boil during very low heat for 10