Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Dill Potato Pepper ...

Peel and slice squashen into cubes and place them in a saucepan. Add water to the squashen is covered, and let it cook until tender about 30 minutes. Cut the onion into cubes and add it. Blend the soup until no lumps are longer. Add cream, salt, pepper and

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

Slice the squash and peeled potatoes into 1 cm cubes. Saute the onion and squash in the fat in a pan. Stir the flour in and babies with the broth. The potatoes came in and let it spin in a neighborhood. Mix the sausages in and warm through. Beat the egg yolk a

Sides Basil Pepper Semi-skimmed milk ...

Mashed potatoes: wash and peel the potatoes Cut the potatoes into smaller pieces. Com 2 dl water into the pan. Cook for 15 minutes, drain the potatoes add milk and salt The whole whipped together to mash with a hand mixer. Squash mixture: wash and cut veget

Buffets Freshly ground pepper More together beaten egg Salt ...

Thaw Neapolitan plates up. cut the raw peeled potatoes in small cubes. Arrow the onion and mince the beef, potato and mix. chop pieces and løgstykker. Add the thyme, broth, salt and freshly ground pepper. Season well. Set the oven at 190 ° c. Plates fillet

Mains Frying oil Pepper Salt ...

Clip fish watered out, given a short rehash and tearing of the fibers. The potatoes are boiled, peeled and moses. Mix shredded fish, mashed potatoes, finhakket onions, spices, garlic and egg yolks. Pipe the stiftpiskede egg whites in. Add salt and pepper, a

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Cut the onion in rings, chop the garlic and bread crumbs the carrots. Cut the fish into 1 day before the water boils. Dishes cooking shared it in small bites. Deep fat FRY potatoes that are cut into strips. Pour the onion, garlic, carrots and oil in a skillet.

Mains Bullion Coriander Olive oil ...

Cut the fish is diluted in cold water a day time, nandet replaced a few times. løgskiver and fintsnittede gyldnes in garlic oil, be taken up. Peeled potatoes cut into slices, dried, gyldnes in oil, addressed the fish is divided into smaller pieces, gyldnes

Sides Wheat flour Onion Oil ...

The onions peeled off and wash and chop. They turned into a thin meljævning and fried crisp in oil. Sample fished up with slotted spoon and put on fat absorbent paper.