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Recipes with Butter or margarine

Mains Krydderurtemix from santa maria Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chop well, grate the potatoes roughly and squeeze the liquid out. Sweat the onions until they are ready, mix them in the cabbage with the spices. Pour a fair amount of fat on the forehead and squeeze half of the casserole onto the forehead, then pour t

Mains Paprika 1/4 salt TSP pepper Large onion ...

1 Cut the meat into the tern. 2 Mix the ingredients for marinade. The loaf must be peeled and cut into slices of almonds and juniper berries crushed. 3. Place the meat in double plastic bags. Pour marinade on and tie the bags. Put them on a dish in the fridg

Mains Salt Butter or margarine Elgsteg ...

Rub the ladder with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly. Rub the ladder with salt. Steps brown in butter or margarine, turn the steps sometimes so that it is covered with the grease on all sides. Then put the ladles on a grate in a pan and place it in the oven

Cakes in form Baking soda Milk or cream (and again if it is to be really suprem use cream) Sugar ...

Put the vanilla (sugar) and sugar into a bowl and then pour the fat (do not melt it for god's sake!) In small bites while whipping it with a whipping. Put the eggs in and stir it together after each egg. Chop the chocolate well and warm the milk product up.

Bread, buns & biscuits Cardamom Eggs Salt ...

The milk is lunes, and the yeast dissolves, but it is not allowed to heat and the other ingredients are pelted into a uniform dough raising to double size in a warm place. The dough is divided into 2 equal parts; The one for rosin bread and the other is divid

Cakes 100 g finely chopped nuts or almonds Egg yolk Egg white ...

Tear the almond and mix it with sugar and egg white. Sprinkle or put the dough into small rounds or elongated cakes on a baking sheet with baking paper. Give the cakes a hard pressure with a finger to make them even. Let them rest on the plate for 30 minutes b

Sides Breadcrumbs Butter or margarine Eggs ...

Boil the peeled potatoes in water without salt. Pour the water and steam them. Mash them well and stir them together with eggs, cream, salt, finely chopped ham and grated onions. Form for carrots, turned into rasp and fried in fat on the forehead. Serve wit

Desserts (patisserie) Desiccated coconut Skimmed milk Oatmeal ...

- Mix all the ingredients together (except coconut). - Vibrate the mass to the balls and roll them into coconut flour. - Keep in store. tips: TIP: If you want a less coarse lotion, oatmeal may be chopped either in a meat chopper or food processor bef