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Recipes with Butter or margarine

Desserts (cold) Serve with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream Butter or margarine to form Eggs ...

Let the milk boil and then lower the heat. Gently pour the corn flour in stirring and continue stirring until the mixture becomes thick, about 5 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes. Add the fat, egg, syrup, ginger and

Desserts (cold) A dollop of whipped cream on each portion Wheat flour to form Butter or margarine to form ...

Place the apricots in a soft few hours until they become soft or let them lay overnight. Let them drip well, but save 2 dl of icing water and 4 apricot sauce. Chop other apricots well. Whip egg, sugar and fat airy. Gently mix the chopped apricots, vanilla s

Mains Pepper Salt Butter or margarine ...

The chickens are rubbed inside and out with salt and pepper, and a bunch of parsley comes in each. The chickens are browned on all sides in a frying pan. Mushrooms in quarters and the chopped chalotte cloves are placed in the pan and swirled until the liqui

Cookies Eggs Cocoa Vanilla ...

Stir the butter and sugar together. Add eggs and then vanilla and flour. Bring the dough well together. Divide the portion in the middle and kneaded cocoa in half. Roll the dough into sausages of about 2 cm in diameter and put 4 sausages together - light and d

Pickling Salt Butter or margarine Chanterelles ...

The side dishes are cleaned and rinsed with the margarine or butter and the salt until the sponges collapse. Put it all in hot, atamon-filled potatoes too. They are closed and left for one hour at 100 degrees tips: Use the right hand-painted glass to apply

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Potatoes peel and boil tenderly in unsalted water. The water is poured and the potatoes are whipped to mash with milk. The mash is seasoned with salt and pepper. Filling: Onions and carrots are cut into small cubes and swirled in a pan in the margarine /

Cakes in form Pearl sugar-icing sugar or almond flakes Salt Sugar ...

• Preheat the oven 250 degrees. • Melt the butter in a small saucepan / saucepan. • Pour the milk and leave the mixture to approx. 37 degrees (about small finger hot). • Dissolve yeast in the mixture. • Add salt, sugar and cardamom. • Add 2/3 of the flour

Desserts (cold) EVS. 50 g chopped nuts. Raspberry jam after taste and desire of bitterness Wheat flour ...

Whip egg and sugar well! Whip alternately flour and the melted AND chilled margerine in all this with hand mixes Then turn the broken macros together with any nuts Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for about 15-20 minutes Whipped cream: