Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Mains Salt Butter or margarine Leek, cleaned and cut into slices ...

Flake the mediator and cut it and the uncoloured sausages in thick slices. Shake them lightly in butter or margarine and add the chopped onions. Turn it for a few minutes and benefit it in greased, refractory dish. Place porridge slices and tomato boats in

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Cardamom Salt ...

Lun milk possibly in micro for 30-40 seconds at full power. Stir the yeast into the lukewarm milk and add sugar. Come whole wheat flour and half of wheat flour. Then eat well together. Add the melted butter. Again good. Bring eggs, salt and cardamom in. Re

Mains Chicken (thighs or fillet) Butter or margarine Curry ...

Karrysovs: Begin with the sauce so it is ready when the dish is to be put in the oven. Season onion and bacon together for a few minutes. Sprinkle with curry and simmer for a moment. Mix flour and tomato paste. Add boullion and sprinkle from the pineapple and

Cakes FAT to form Stir together with a little orange juice Baking soda ...

1. Lubricate a roulade form or make one at the bottom of a baking pan of baking paper. The shape should be 30x40cm. 2. Whip egg and flour white. 3. Turn the flour and baking soda into the eggshell. 4. Pour the dough into the mold. 5. Bake the cake for appr

Cakes in form Fat for lens molds Cinnamon Red cocktail cherries ...

1. Stir the fat and sugar together, add one egg at a time. 2. Mix flour, baking soda and cream in. 3. Cut the peeled apples into cubes and turn them into sugar and cinnamon. 4. Bring 1 lever. Dough in each greased lentil form, then an apple pie and again a

Cakes Raspberry or Strawberry Jam Granulated sugar Oil or coconut oil for cooking ...

1. Chop the fat into the flour. 2. Stir the yeast into the lukewarm milk and put it in the flour. 3. Peel with flour and eggs for a smooth and smooth dough. 4. Roll out the dough for approx. 1 cm thick and plug out with a smooth or round shape. 5. Put them

Cookies Cocktail cherries Fat food for molds Icing sugar ...

1. Lubricate the lens shapes. 2. Eat fat, flour and flour quickly and put the dough to rest for a cold place for approx. 30min. 3. Mix the cream, milk, egg yolks, wheat flour and flour in a saucepan and allow the mass to be small during whipping. Take care n

Desserts (cold) Butter or margarine to form Dark chocolate Wheat flour ...

1. Melt the grease and pour it into a stirring bowl. Add flour and egg yolks one at a time. Pipes for the mass are light and airy. 2. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. 3. Whip egg whites stiff. 4. Stir the chocolate into the egg mixture, add flour and fin