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Recipes with Butter or margarine

Breakfast & brunch Chopped almonds and sugar I chose to use chopped almonds. If you would rather do the traditional used poppy seeds Salt ...

The Margarine crumbles in the flour. The yeast is poured into the cold milk and poured into the flour mixture. The dough is kneaded until it is uniform (you may need a little more flour than indicated in the recipe). The dough must not rise before further pr

Cakes Hot water Eggs Vanilla sugar ...

The grease is softened and stirred together with floral gel. Then add the rest of the ingredients. The ready-made dough is shaped like mussels on the baking sheet. Bake on the oven's middle groove at 220 degrees C. alm. Oven for about 8 minutes. The cakes a

Cakes Sugar Frozen raspberries Icing sugar ...

All ingredients were tied together. The grease should NOT be softened first. 2/3 of the dough is rolled out and put into the mold. The fruit is distributed on the bottom of the dough. Pour sugar over the fruit. The remaining dough is rolled out, cut int

Cakes in form Little vanillekorn Baking soda Butter ...

Cooking time: about 1 hour of which approx. 35 min. In the oven. Oven temperature: 180 Baking time: 35 min. How to do this: Butter and sugar are stirred white and foaming. Add the eggs one at a time. Mix flour, baking soda, cocoa and vanilla grains and ad

Cakes Dr. oetker princess lillifee vermicelli Dr. oetker pink or green Praline mass Raspberry or Strawberry Jam ...

Butter and grate a round or square baking mold (about 1.5 liters) Melt the butter or margarine and let it cool off. Mix the butter and all the other ingredients and stir it all together for a smooth dough. The dough must not be whipped, but just stirred tog

Mains Curry Coconut Rice ...

Boil the meat with water that evenly covers and add salt, split vegetables and soup. Let it boil until it's tender, approx. 1 1/2 hour. Melt the fat to the sauce and season the curry here. Stir the flour and spoon with 5-6 dl of the sweet soup. Cut the meat in

Cakes in form Sour cream 18% or cheasy 6% Milk Salt ...

The butter / margarine is melted with the milk. Cocoa, sugar, vanilla, flour, salt and baking soda are sifted together and then mixed with fat + milk. Egg + creme fraiche is added and everything is mixed well together. Finally, chopped almonds and coa

Fruits Whipped cream Raisins Wheat flour ...

Peel the apples and cut them into very thin boats. Put them in a greased oven dish. Sprinkle sugar, cinnamon and raisins over. Findel butter in the flour with your fingers and mix the sugar in - the dough must not be collected but be "crumbled". Mix the noodle