Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wholemeal wheat flour

Lunch Allround spice Dijon mustard Herb mix ...

Snug up the milk and melt the red dot in it. Smulder yeast in and let it be dissolved. (Remember the milk top must be finger lun). Mix rest of ingredients in and stir it well. Set the dough to uplift in 30 min. Share in the donated unit 2. Turn the dough

Bread, buns & biscuits Egg for brushing Buttermilk or another soured milk product Finely grated carrot ...

Got milk, buttermilk and oil in a large bowl and crush the fluid at 900 W microwave 45 sec. Crumble the yeast into the milk and stir to the yeast is dissolved. Grate the carrots fine. Add the carrots, salt, whole grain wheat flour and wheat flour and kne

Bread, buns & biscuits Syrup Salt Buttermilk ...

The yeast and break into pieces in the lunede milk and buttermilk, salt and syrup is added. The butter cut into small pieces and add along with whole grain hvedemelet. The dough worked well through, after which the rest for 15 minutes. Mix the flour w

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Banana Cultura. sour whole milk ...

The yeast in the lukewarm water touched out. The butter is melted and stirred together with cultura and place in gærvandet. Moses and the chocolate banana chopped and added with the other stuff and dough is kneaded thoroughly until it is smooth. Made withdr

Mains Icing sugar Ghee (clarified butter from a Pakistani or Indian catalog) Pepper ...

Mix the two kinds of flour in a bowl, add a nip salt, 1 tsp. icing sugar and egg white. Stir it together, and then add a little water, so the dough will be grødagtig. Fry the dough as a 3-4 mm thick pancake on a small skillet in a little ghee. Flip the panc

Mains Water or milk Eggs Wholemeal wheat flour ...

Clean the mushrooms and steam them in the oil. Whisk the egg lightly with a fork. Add the flour, soy flakes, salt, and water/milk. Mix all ingredients well and pour the mixture into a well-oiled gratin form. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and bake right