Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine vinegar

Mains Minced parsley Olive at will Pepper ...

Cut the potatoes into suitable pieces and turn them into a marinade of olive oil, garlic, white wine vinegar, salt and pepper. Cut red and spring onions in fine slices. Peel the cucumber, chop it lengthwise, scrape the kernels or cut it into slices. Blsnd the

Sides Red chili pepper Red onion Honey ...

Cut the flour on the tomatoes, put them in boiling water for a few minutes, pick them up and put them in cold water and flake them. Chop the sauce well, fry it in the oil with even heat until it is soft (possibly with chopped chilli) for approx. 3 minutes.

Mains White wine vinegar Olive oil Pepper ...

Thoroughly clean the chicken and dip it dry with a little roll of paper. Put the chicken or chicken pieces into the bag and pour the contents of Knorr Barbecue spice into the bag, shake the bag and close carefully. Follow the instructions on the bag. If you

Cakes Mousseline Baking soda White wine vinegar ...

Make sure all ingredients are tempered, ie they have the same temperature. First make the "wet" part of the dough: whip butter and sugar until it is airy and light in color. Add the vanilla and whip for 10 seconds. Mash the bananas and add them one at a tim

Various White pepper to taste White wine vinegar Salt ...

Whip egg yolks airy (a few minutes). Add oil, stirring, first dropwise and later in a thin jet. Add vinegar, salt and pepper and whip again. Voila. tips: Egg yolks should be at room temperature as they are easier to whip airy. I use an empty, cleaned, j

Salads Salt White wine vinegar Olive oil ...

Cut the cabbage very thin Put it in a bowl and "bank" it with a mortar or other heavy object until it has a soft consistency, but is still crunchy. Mix with oil, vinegar and spices Cool for at least 2 hours, preferably 12 hours

Mains Wholemeal bread Pepper Salt ...

Cut the cabbage into thin strips and put it short in boiling water. Let it drip into a sieve. Cut the pinned onions into slices and shake them slightly golden in the oil. Bring the cabbage in and turn it too hot. Pour vinegar, wine and spices. Season the chick

Appetizers "tiger shrimp (5-6 shrimp per man to Starter otherwise more) White pepper (ca. 1/8 tsp.) Madspyd (wooden or metal) ...

Beurre Blanc: Put vinegar, wine, mustard onion, salt and pepper to boil in a saucepan at high heat and let it boil until the liquid is reduced to approx. 1½ tbsp. Put the onions off and squeeze the wings from them. Add now approx. 3 tablespoons. Of the col