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Recipes with White wine vinegar

Dressing Pepper Salt Lemon juice from here ...

All ingredients except oil are stirred together in a bowl. Oil is added little by little under constant whipping so it does not separate. A little oil at the start and then it can be added in larger amounts. Preferably not more than one tablespoon at a time. C

Buffets Real chili sauce super hot Grated ginger Cayenne pepper ...

Divide chicken wings into 2 pieces, salt the chicken wings and let them pull for an hour, then put them in a large freezer, where the flour comes and shake well to spread the flour. They are put on baking paper, which is greased by greasy spray. They are bake

Mains Brown rice Parsley Skyr ...

Chicken breast fillets cut into large pieces (about 8 pieces in total) and fry in a thick pot in the oil. Take the chicken and come in red cloves cut into big boats. Switch - add some water if the oil is released. Then comes celery, fennel, garlic and carrots,

Mains Basil Parmesan Thyme ...

Put water over to tortellini (put plenty of salt in the water) Cut the bacon into medium sized pieces and put on the forehead (preferably without fat). Mushrooms are cut into slices and garlic squeezed / sliced ​​and put together with bacon. Let it stand un

Salads Dressing Small handful of almonds White wine vinegar ...

Cook broccoli in small bouquets until it is al dente and let cool. Cut the apple and mango into the tern and mix with broccoli. Stir the dressing and pour over the salad and mix Chop almonds and sprinkle over tips: Server as mainframe accessory

Sauces Fresh tarragon Fresh Chervil Freshly ground white or black pepper ...

Start melting the butter in a saucepan, with low heat. It must not take color and turn brown. Chop the estragon and chop so you have a good little handful overall. Chop the chopsticks very well. Put a ketchup and pour egg, water and white wine vinegar i

Mains Pineapple pieces Bamboo shoots at will Chili ...

The chicken is boiled for approx. 20 min. In another saucepan mix tomato puree with pineapple juice, pineapple pieces and water. Add the other ingredients. The chicken is cut into small pieces and put into the pan. Finish with Maizena until the dish is t

Sauces Freshly ground white pepper White pepper Juice of one lemon ...

Hollandaise: Use a very thickened pot in which egg yolks are whipped together with lemon juice to a lind mass. If the lemon juice does not spray the flowers enough, add some water. The butter is melted in a saucepan (do not care if it is not brownish, use a m