Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains A little fresh tarragon Oil Spring onions ...

The loaf and garlic are chopped fine, sautéed in a little oil, the tomatoes are cut into coarse pieces and added together with capers. When the tomatoes start to collapse, add balsamic vinegar, chopped onion, estragon, salt and pepper. It all stands and spins

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Evening in advance: Klipfisken is diluted to the next day. Bring all the ingredients to the poultry cake in a pan and pour the water on. Bring slowly to the boil. Remove foam and allow to boil for approx. 30 min. Then cooled off. Boil the eggs - hard bo

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Chicken: Wipe the chicken breads and rub them with garlic cloves. Bring bacon around and fasten with toothpicks. Grill them more 6-7 min. on every side. Tomato sauce: Mix the two kinds of flour with the salt. Stir the butter and mix the dough with water. R

Mains Nutmeg Olive oil Pepper ...

The aubergines are halved and hollowed out. Stir with the meat side down on a forehead well with olive oil for about 10 minutes. The lid is chopped and swirled in a saucepan. Oksefars, garlic and spices are added and fry. Add the peeled tomatoes and simmer for

Mains EVS. little maizenamel EVS. paprika Pepper ...

Form the meat to a loaf of bread. Make a deep groove and fill up with piquant cheese. Close it and place it in an ovenproof dish on the closure. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place in the oven at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for approx. 1 hour. Pour the sauce

Mains Pepper Salt Turmeric, ground ...

Place the rice in soft in lukewarm water approx. 1/2 hour in advance. Chop the chicken and chop it into 1 dl oil. Bring the meat and brown it for 10 minutes. Add turmeric, salt and pepper. Pour the rice upstairs. Chop tomatoes and potatoes in small tern

Mains Cayenne pepper Chilli, crushed Margarine ...

A GREAT thickened pot is put over, with good heat. A little oil, and some margarine comes in. While the butter melts, peels & amp; Chop the onions in the tern (not too small) When it sieves, the meat comes in and you chop and stir until you start sweating. (Th

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Scalloped potatoes: The potatoes are peeled, cut into thin slices and put with a little salt in a refractory dish. Overtaken with the flow. Stir on a grate on the bottom groove in the oven at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for 40 minutes. Bacon Steaks: The ra