Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Beef, pea peppers, salt, pepper, garlic, chili and water are stirred together in a bowl. Formed into 4 steaks wrapped in bacon. Put the steaks in a greased refractory dish with chopped onions and mushrooms in slices. Set in a 200 hot oven for about 1 hour. Aft

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

French bread is soaked in the milk. Chopped onion and beef in the oil. The bread is crushed and crumbled together with spices and chopped apricots (take 4 for decoration). The mixture is placed in a greased refractory dish. The eggs are poured into the m

Mains EVS. minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Share the share years in two. Then divide your thighs in two down the leg. Chop the onions. Peel the potatoes and cut them into half-grove pieces. Chop the whipped cream well. Brown the thigh pieces in a saucepan. Bowl on onion, bay leaves and garlic. Seaso

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Cut a cross into the top of the chestnuts, place them in a hot oven until the skull breaks, remove the shells and brown barrels and cook them until they are tender - 20-30 min. Chop them nicely. The chopped onion, the celery celery and the crumbled french brea

Mains Oil Parmesan cheese. Reef Peeled tomatoes, canned ...

Pour oil into a pan. The onions are chopped and roasted in the pan. (Pour a little water in to prevent the bulbs from "burning"). Bring the chopped meat in, it will be exchanged with the onions. When the meat is completely cooked. Then add a can of peeled t

Mains Basil Pepper Salt ...

Take the eggplant and season later, cook them for 1 minute in boiling water with a little salt in. Chop the garlic and parsley and mix it in the mince meat. Stir it together with egg yolks, add small pieces of feta cheese. The fathers are distributed on

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Start with the ingredients that are on the forehead: Peel onion and carrot, rinse the celery stalks, cut the bacon and cut it all into small terns. Place a large forehead on the hot hob and wait until the forehead is hot. Place the bacon rings and stir them

Soups Vegetable juice Garlic Potatoes ...

Cut the top of the beans, store the finest leaves and chop them. Peel and shred the beetroot in the tern. Boil them half deep in the vegetable juice. Peel onions, garlic and potatoes. Bring onions, potatoes and garlic into the pan and cook it all tenderly.