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Recipes with Eggs

Desserts (warm) 1-2 packages rafinol or similar Red currant juice Salt ...

Stir the egg yolks with salt. Lukewarm milk and flour is stirred in alternately. Whites whipped stiff and reversed in the dough. Raises about half an hour. Sweat Swedes watered down and boil with red currant juice to mush. Sugar added Rafinol melted in a pan a

Desserts (warm) Lard for baking TSP. Salt Milk ...

Milk yeast, dissolved in it and Salted lunes added. The eggs are shared and egg yolks are added one at a time. The flour whipped into the egg whites whipped stiff and reversed. gently in the mass. The dough is made warm and raises now 1 hour, with a clean Tea

Desserts (warm) Raffinol Yeast Milk ...

Flour, egg yolks, stirred together with milk. The yeast is added. The stiff whipped whites into batter. Dough should be thick. In 1/2 time. Bake in raffinol or similar. Considered as a main course. Served warm with stikkelsbær compote, Apple pudding, syrup

Mains Pepper Salt Butter/margarine ...

Remove bones and skin from the herrings. Flip sildefiletterne in butter/margarine on the forehead over strong heat. Whip eggs together with flour, milk and spices. Pour the egg mixture over the fried fillets and FRY finished over low heat. Sprinkle with cho

Mains Cardamom Sugar Vanilla ...

The butter is melted and stirred together with breadcrumbs, egg yolks, flour, sugar and salt. The milk is added, so as to achieve a thick porridge. Let it rest a few minutes, then add a little more milk if necessary. Raisins are added. Season with vanilla and

Cakes Vaniliesukker or lemon peel and raisins or crushed macaroons Eggs Margarie ...

margarine and flour and break into pieces. Dissolve the yeast with the sugar and the eggs are mixed in. It all mixed and kneaded. Withdrawals can be made from 10 minutes to 18 hours. Rolled out to an oblong plate. The filling is distributed to middle ad. The d

Cookies Baking powder White pepper Cinnamon ...

Egg stirred with sugar. Flour and spices mixed with antler salt. It's all mixed. Let EVS. the dough to rest in refrigerator for 24 hours. Rolled in finger-thick rods which are cut out and rolled to gingerbread. Bake at 200 degrees c. alm. oven until ligh

Cakes in form Lemon peel thereof Baking powder Butter ...

Stir in butter and sugar white. The eggs came in one at a time and stir well between each. Now add almonds, currants. deer yew salt and flour. Mix gently together. Pour into a baking pan and bake at 175 gr for 1 hour