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Recipes with Eggs

Mains Fresh basil (about 20 leaves) Pepper Salt ...

Turkey meat is stirred to a good father with: grated onion, grated garlic, milk, flour, bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Cut the fruit into small cubes, bell pepper and chop the fresh basil and the leaves from the parsley very finely. Then reversed this gently i

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Stir the Turkey meat with bread crumbs, eggs, tomato paste, thyme, salt and pepper. Wide forcemeat out on a piece of baking paper approximately 30 x 30 cm. Add the spinach in a saucepan and thaw it up at low heat. Twisting it free from moisture, add garlic and

Soups White pepper Salt White wine vinegar ...

Put the almonds in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. The tonsils located herein in 30-45 my crust of bread, and. cut cut it into large cubes. Place it into a bowl, and cover with 1 l of cold water. SI water from the tonsils, and put it in a blender alon

Sides Small pitcher/canned evaporated milk Oatmeal Cinnamon ...

Mix potatoes, sugar and margarine well together. Add the other ingredients and mix well again. Pour it into the pie dough. Fill in two moulds and bake for one hour at 175 degrees C.

Cookies Lemon finely grated to thereof Finely grated nutmeg Sea salt ...

Whisk eggs, cane sugar, sea salt and vanillekorn foamy in a large bowl. Blend almonds and hazelnuts in a food processor and got them up in a bowl. Mix nuts with seasoning in a large bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Gently flip the egg mixture therein.

Cakes Olive oil Saffron Gomme arabique (I know not; means Gum Arabic!) ...

Mix the eggs, the softened butter, vinegar, olive oil, anis'en, sesame seeds, orangeblomstvandet, the two kinds of yeast, the Arab gum (!) and a glass of water. Mix the flour in until you get a smooth dough; mix in a little water if the dough becomes too "hard

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Cardamom Butter/margarine ...

Udrør the yeast in a little cold milk, add lukewarm milk. Melt and cool the butter/margarine. Stir the egg yolks with sugar to it will be bright. Add milk, flour and cardamom, while there is stirred thoroughly. Got half of the melted fat in the dough, and mix

Cakes in form Lemon peel Cinnamon Large apples ...

Apples peeled and cut into thin slices without kærnehus. The svitset half-tender in butter. Stir the egg yolks with sugar, lemon peel and cinnamon. Whites whipped and place in the dough. The apples are added at the bottom of a deep baking dish that has been gr