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Recipes with Butter or margarine

Mains Bladselleri leaves Pepper Salt ...

Brown pheasant pieces in 25 g butter el. Margarine on the frying pan on the stove electric. In a preheated brow. Bring the rest of the fat into a large pot to the microwave and melt it for 30 seconds. At highest effect. Add onion and celery and turn for 3 min.

Mains Fresh herbs Pepper Salt ...

Place the potatoes in a large low bowl and add 1 dl. water. Cover with microwave film and dot hole in the surface. Boil for 10-12 min. At the highest effect the potatoes are tender. Pour the water and whip the potatoes into mash with 1/4 dl milk, 15 g of fa

Cakes Egg yolk Egg white Butter or margarine ...

Dough: The butter is chopped and mixed with the flour. Sugar comes in. The dough was kneaded with the egg yolk. Lots: The almonds are chopped fine and stirred together with sugar and egg white. The dough is rolled out. The mass is lubricated. The grease

Desserts (warm) Apple sauce Fat for baking Cinnamon ...

This recipe is Swedish and is ideally suited for dark, cozy winter afternoons. The cream is whipped and added flour and egg white. Melt, cooled butter poured and cooked with vanilla sugar. The waffles are baked until they are golden and are served immediately

Mains Garlic marinade Lasagne sheets Feta cheese ...

Put the lamb chops in a plastic bag and pour the marinade into the bag. Marinate for approx. 3 hours. Grill the chops. Melt the butter in a saucepan without color. Stir the flour in stirring. Add the milk a little at a time, still stirring. Let the sauce boil

Mains Salad onions Butter or margarine Red Peppers ...

The accessories of this dish unite the classic with the daring, yet it is an exciting alternative to the traditional pickle with soft onions, as we all know. The accessories can also be used for fried turkey or chicken. It is recommended that red peppers are u

Mains Løskogte rice of 175 g rice Cutlet fish Finely chopped onion ...

The cut fish pieces are put in a greased pot or refractory dish, add apple sauce and salt and tenderloin under a lid for 15 minutes. In oven at 170 gr approx. 25 min. Grease, curry and onions are welded together, bake with flour and spoon with fish and cream.

Cakes EVS. chopped almonds Together the beaten egg Eggs ...

Eaten Dough: Flour and baking soda are sifted together. Salt and sugar are added. Cold butter is chopped in. Eggs and milk are whipped together. A little of it is saved for brushing. The rest is kneaded in the flour. The dough is rolled out into 1 cm thick to