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Recipes with Broth

Mains Wheat flour Laurel Olive oil ...

Cut the meat into squares of ca. 50 g. Slice the onion and carrots into cubes. Got meat and vegetables in a bowl and add spices and red wine and let it marinate overnight in refrigerator. Tag Bison meat up and dry it by (save marinade for later). Fry the piece

Mains Wheat flour Curry A little soaked French bread ...

Wash and blanch the cabbage, let the drip. Mix in the chopped meat with soaked mendens French bread, chopped onion, eggs and spices. Chop the white cabbage finely. Put now layered cabbage and sausage meat into the pan. End with the cabbage and pour broth over.

Mains Broth Wheat flour Pepper ...

Beef rouladerne sprinkled with salt and pepper and lightly grease with mustard. Serve them with a slice of ham, bell peppers into strips and chopped onion. Put 1 piece Palm sago on each piece of meat, roll them together and close with kødnål. Roll in flour. Me

Mains Salt Cream Broth ...

Meat curing and Brown well in the open pan. An infant with soup and white wine. Put the tomato in Luk pan and cook in ca. 20 minutes. Cool the Pan and close it up. Taste the gravy for with cream, smooth it with the flour and season it.

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika ...

The mushrooms cleaned and halved, onion and carrots cut into smaller pieces and this småkoger 10 minutes in the broth. In this mix of canned tomatoes, paprika, pepper and salt and this småkoger, covered, 10 minutes. The meat should be very tender and over whic

Mains Freshly ground pepper Parsley Saffron ...

Forcemeat is stirred thoroughly by chopping the meat, blubber, the chopped onion and garlic, egg, the spices, the chopped parsley and maizenaen. Form forcemeat into eight patties, FRY on both sides in butter as six – eight minutes and then made hot. Click løgg

Mains Cut chives Pepper Salt ...

Knead the meat with bread crumbs or mashed potatoes, milk, salt, pepper and onion. Form forcemeat to 6-7 steaks. Fry the steaks in the pan for about 2 minutes on each side. Put the steaks into a baking dish. Boil the pan of broth. Stir in sour cream and corn f

Mains 1 tsp. corn flour Groftkværnet pepper Salt ...

The meat is split into 4 servings, which is shaped into buns. Pressed a bit flat and mincing criss-cross with a knife. The steaks should be approx. 1 ½ cm. high. The onions cut into thin slices and Brown in half of the margarine. Brown the steaks in the res