Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Broth

Mains Fresh chopped Basil or parsley Pepper Salt ...

Cut a lid of the tomatoes, and hollow-out them with a teaspoon. Save the land set aside. Cut the courgetten in pieces on a par with the tomatoes, and hollow-out them so little bottom is preserved. Save the land set aside. Sauté the onion in the oil, add the me

Mains Pepper Salt Butter BLOBs ...

Stir in the minced meat with egg whites and bread crumbs and stir broth in. mix the finely chopped peppers and add to the forcemeat. Sauté the coarsely chopped mushrooms briefly in oil. Let them cool a little before they also mix in crushed garlic cloves seaso

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Rub the steaks with pepper on both sides and let them soak for up to half an hour. Cut the onions into rings and sauté them-they do not brown! Take them off and keep them warm. Close the steaks on both sides over high heat-ca. 200 degrees-lower so the he

Mains A little chili Pepper Salt ...

Season the steaks with salt and pepper, and fry them in the butter and oil in a frying pan about 2 minutes on each side. Take them out of the Pan and pour the tomato puree, broth and grated horseradish. Let Cook together and season with chili and possibly. a l

Mains Lemon juice Wheat flour Meljævning ...

Battle it out cut into cubes and roasted light brown in butter/oil. Take them up and put them in the baking dish. Sprinkle a little flour over the kødterningerne and brown them in the fat and put them in the dish. Sprinkle with salt & pepper. Cut oni

Mains Corn starch Pepper Salt ...

You touch first the meat to a father with eggs, flour, milk, salt and pepper. As you peel the potatoes and carrots and cut them into slices. Slice the onion and bell pepper into strips, too, and came the vegetables in a pan with broth in. then the Court Let si

Mains Paprika Pepper Parsley ...

First you need to cut the meat into cubes and Brown in a pan with butter. Tag so the meat up again. Fry the chopped onion in the pan until they are transparent. Put the meat back in the Pan, cut the peppers into strips and add them with the tomatoes. Right

Mains Capers Pepper Horseradish ...

Stir the meat to a father with broth, egg, salt and pepper. The form then forcemeat for large flat rissoles, and flip them in bread crumbs. Rose krebinetterne on a frying pan about 5 minutes on each side. Put krebinetterne on a platter, and a slice of le