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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts RASP of 4 rusks Eggs Salt ...

Everything is stirred together, it must be like a porridge. Put in foil trays and freeze. Bake in a water bath in the oven approx. 1-1 1/2 hour at hot air 180 degrees. Served for lunch with rye bread.

Cold cuts Eggs Allspice Onion ...

A baking of margarine, flour and milk is made. Bacon, liver and onions are run twice through meat chops and mixed in baking. Eggs and spices are stirred in. Bake in a water bath approx. 1 1/2 hour at 200 degrees. Served fried with roasted mushrooms and baco

Cold cuts Blubber to fore the form with Apple Allspice ...

Cut the spoon, onion and apple through it, put it in the blender and chop it roughly. The spearfare came into a pan and melted. Milk and milk are shaken together and whipped together with the spearfare. Blend the liver with the anchovies. Combine live

Cold cuts Nutmeg Eggs Pepper ...

It is all mixed together and poured into greased form. Bake in a water bath in a hot oven 160 ° for 1.5 hours.

Cold cuts Isinglass Dådyrbov with legs Fresh thyme ...

The toppings are blanched, then placed in a pot of water, boiled and rinsed. Then add the reconstituted vegetables and spices. This is cooked now that the animal tree is well tender. Cool the top of the dish, cut the meat and cut it into small terns. The spray

Cold cuts Turmeric, ground Pepper. White Curry ...

Peel the eggs at the thick end with a yolk or a needle. If you do not dot them, they crack when they are put into water. Bring water to boil in a small saucepan. Put one egg at a time with a spoon, turn down the heat put on and boil for 9 minutes. Put the egg

Cold cuts A little mustard Very cut parsley Finely grated lemon zest ...

Everything is stirred together and sown and can be rolled a little after a sausage. Put in a refrigerator or in the freezer just to cut into suitable slices.

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Tuna in water ...

tips: This dish is a direct way to a lot of proteins