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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Coriander ...

The stroke is cut to the length that matches your roller coil press. Spread the blend and sprinkle the spices, grate the onion and blow the blow, roll it together and lace well with cotton yarn. Bring the salt layer and cool. In the chilled brine, the co

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Boil eggs until they are hard-boiled (10 min) and cool them off Arrow egg and chop them roughly Shake if necessary. Walnuts in a little oil and let them cool off Chop or crush the walnuts roughly Chop the basil and chives carefully Mix all the ingredients

Cold cuts Dark chocolate Palmin Soft nugat ...

Melt it all over the water bath while stirring. Poured on glass or other. Stored in the refrigerator. Durability about 3 months

Cold cuts Pepper Rye flour Salt ...

Wipe the silt fillets, give them a slice over the back and turn them in rye flour mixed with salt and pepper. Melt the grease and sift the fillets golden. Put them on greasy paper. Mix the layers, give it a boil and let it get cold. Cut the onions into thin

Cold cuts Allspice Nutmeg Carnations ...

Live and chop finely chopped 2 times and pour into bowl, add soup, egg and spices, finely chopped onions and add the rest of the ingredients, stir thoroughly. Leverpostejmassen is distributed in 4 to 5 aloe trays, baked in water bath with over / under heat

Cold cuts EVS. chives Milk Margerine ...

Put a pan on the stove and turn up the heat well Among the eggs and purebred and a little sweet milk. When the forehead is warm pour a little bit of margerine on. Pour the egg mixture on the forehead. Let it boil a little. Turn it around once it is

Cold cuts Small sprig Rosemary Small sprig Sage Large sprig thyme ...

Put the meat in a pan with all the spices. The loop is cut first in quarters. Get water so it covers. Let it simmer by the weakest heat until it is tender after approx. 1½ hours. Turn the meat along as it may stick to the bottom of the pan. Say the soup a

Cold cuts Milk Pepper Salt ...

Chop liver, spoon and onion in a meat chopper. All the other things come in. Milk, salt and pepper comes in after taste. When you need some liver items, they should be baked at 180-190 degrees for about an hour in a water bath.