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Recipes with White wine vinegar

Sauces Pepper Salt Chili sauce ...

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Taste with Tabascosauce. Put in the refrigerator until it is used.

Pickling Fennel seeds Coriander seeds Black peppercorns ...

Shake the casserole lightly on a dry pan with coriander seeds, black pepper and fennel seeds. Bring it all in a bottle with the dried chilli and bay leaves, and pour white wine vinegar over. Let the vinegar take a few weeks before use. Used for salad dressi

Mains Lemon juice Minced parsley White wine vinegar ...

Salmon portions FRY on each side for 2 min in oven at 180 degrees is made Finished in 4-6 my. Potatoes are boiled until tender in water with a little salt lightly about 12-15 min. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into coarse pieces. Met in a sauté pan

Mains Oil Olive oil Pepper ...

Marinated potatoes: boil the potatoes with the peel on, and tamper-proof. Cut into slices in a deep Bowl. Fintsnittede garlic and shallots, vinegar and olive oil is poured into a pan, heats up and poured over the potatoes which draws in 24 hours. Parsley f

Salads Salt Cucumber Big hand fresh mint (best in bunder from foreign greengrocer) ...

cut the tomatoes, cucumber and chilli fruits into small cubes and put it in a bowl. Chop the Mint finely and toss it in the salad with white wine vinegar and salt. Tips: in spots for the sweet chili fruits can used snack pepper or peppers at my request.

Salads Dijon mustard Grape seed oil Water ...

boil the potatoes and arrow. Let them cool before they cut into slices. cut leeks into thin slices. turn the potatoes and leeks in the marinade. part broccolien of bouquets on the size of walnuts. cut the stem into slices. blanch the whole thing in 2 minutes.

Pickling White wine vinegar Peppercorn Coriander seeds or 1 tsp bumped ...

Crack the Chili's and scrape the seeds out. Got them in a pan and pour boiling water over. Let them soak about five minutes. Came the Chili's, peppercorns, Bay leaves, coriander seeds and salt in a glass. Boil sugar and vinegar together, to the sugar is

Pickling White wine vinegar Peppercorn Coriander seeds or 1 tsp bumped ...

Crack the Chili's and scrape the seeds out. Got them in a pan and pour boiling water over. Let them soak about five minutes. Came the Chili's, peppercorns, Bay leaves, coriander seeds and salt in a glass. Boil sugar and vinegar together, to the sugar is diss