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Recipes with White wine

Sides Anise Acacia honey White wine ...

Boil the wine and water up with honey and aniseed. Peel them, cut them into strips and cook them in the bed sheet in ca. 8-10 min. until they are "al dente"

Mains Leaf celery, diced Borlottibønner Extra virgin olive oil ...

Boil borlottibønnerne in an hour. Cut the tripe into 8 cm long and 1 cm thick pieces. Sauté onion and garlic in the oil. Add the carrot, celery and chili flakes and stir well. Came white wine and let it boil into. kallunen and beans into accepted Now, along wi

Mains White wine vinegar (1 cup = 1 ½ dl) Celery cut into strips on the bias Extra virgin olive oil ...

Bring water and white wine vinegar to a boil in a large pot. Turn down the heat, then add the tripe and let it simmer with lid in half an hour. Rinse in cold kallunen won, let it drain and cut it into fine strips. Shock the tomatoes in a mortar until they a

Mains Potato flour Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in a little olive oil, add a little water approx. 2 dl.-white wine-lauerbærblade-Peppercorn-onion cut into both-cinnamon stick-saffron. Let it spin for the meat is almost tender. Then add the carrots-garlic in all bold-peas-raisins and peeled

Soups Paprika White wine Oil ...

Saute the shallots, tomato boats and the redecorated mushrooms in a couple of tablespoons. oil, seasoned lightly with paprika, but not so long that it takes color. Cook the salmon tender water and white wine with added onion and bay leaf. It should be kept aro

Mains Fish heads and bones Carrot Bay leaf ...

First prepare the fish Fund by letting fish heads and legs Cook gently in wine together with herbs and spices. When it has boiled ½ hour, sies Fund from, is there more than that will be used to just barely cover the salmon slices cooked into the Fund. Sprin

Cold cuts Salt Garlic Bay leaf ...

Chop the pork, veal and the liver as well as half of the bacon, mix it well together. Crush the peppercorns and juniper berries. Chop the garlic very fine. Got this and thyme, marjoram and a little salt (remember that a real French pâté should not be too salty

Mains Ambra Tarragon Freshly ground white pepper ...

Clean the eels very carefully, they must be very fresh, and cut them into 5 cm long pieces. Melt butter, come bury in, fry them for a moment, and then add the chopped shallots and finely chopped herbs. Let it cook a couple of minutes. The wine came in, and fil