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Recipes with White wine

Sauces Dill Parsley Chives ...

White wine and shallots cooked down to ca. 1/3. Gently melt the butter in it, don't get up and cook. The chopped herbs (about 2 cups) reversed in.

Mains Pepper Salt Hvidkåls main ...

Average white cabbage very fine in ca. 2 mm strips, throw the stick away. Sprinkle cabbage and onions with salt, sugar, pepper and caraway. Knead the cabbage between his hands so that it falls a little bit together. Put the cabbage in a large pot along with ri

Mains 38% creme fraise for the sauce Fresh parsley White wine ...

Slice the leeks and onion into pieces. Put the meat in a plastic bag with the vegetables and the pressed garlic cloves. Rosemary, parsley, thyme and put in pber to taste (but beware of timianen). Pour the white wine over, so it covers the meat. Let it sleep f

Drinks (cold) Danish water Cranberry Cranberry juice ...

getting cranberry juice and white wine in a glass. top with Danish water according to taste. Put trane wearers in. Tips: Garnish with a lemon slice, if desired

Soups Rosemary Thyme White wine ...

Throw it all in a big pot. Let it simmer in my. 1 1/2 hour. Season with salt and pepper. Tips: You can always try it slightly forward. Eksperimtér with the ingredients you like best. Like along with your husband.

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Free the Tenderloin of sinew and membrane and cut it into slices. Pork Tenderloin slices Golden in butter and season with salt and pepper. Rose champigonskiverne soft in butter and season with salt and pepper and stir in sour cream and whipping cream in. then

Mains Paner-mix White wine Honey ...

The fish is washed and cut into appropriate pieces. Reversed in paner-mis and Brown a few minutes in the butter. Put the fish in a baking dish. Got a good knob of butter to the pan together with the honey. Herein Sauté leeks, cut into thin rings. After a fe

Mains Parsley White wine Onions in small cubes ...

Put the cod pieces on a rack over a pan with water barely boils. The fish must not touch the water. Put a lid on. The fish is ready when a kødnål feels warm after it has been shoved into the middle of the fish. Saute all the vegetables in oil, the onions are c