Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Salads Marinade Pepper Salt ...

The egg is cooked hard-boiled. Rinse the salad and dry it thoroughly. Spread it on a large dish or on 4 plates. Bacon cut into thin slices lengthwise and then across 4 mm. Wide strips. The oil is heated and the bacon is crisped before it is taken off

Mains Sage Olive oil Blue mussels ...

Clean the mussels and steam them in olive oil and white wine. Boxes they closed. Push the mussels out of the shells. Peel the earthquakes and cut them into the tern. The arrow went, and chop it fine. Saute the earthquakes in half of the butter without takin

Appetizers Pepper Salt Green asparagus (possibly mixed with white) ...

First Cut out four cuttings of the two slices of butter. Lay those baking on baking paper. Of the other two plates, the same is the same, but the inner is also removed, leaving only narrow rings. The deejers are rolled together and a team of bottoms is cut ou

Mains Aluminum foil Bread Coarse salt ...

Salad: Soak and boil the white beans according to the instructions on the package and allow them to cool (soak the evening before use). Nip the green bean and boil them in leachate water until they are tender (6-8 minutes). Pour the water and rinse them with

Mains Pepper Salt Sliced bacon ...

The fish is cleaned and found to be cut off, but keeping the skin on both sides, make two good pockets to fill along the spine. Clean and chop the vegetables and season them in the pan, add salt and pepper. Fill the pockets with vegetables and the rest can be

Mains Freshly cooked pasta, rice or boiled potatoes Pepper Salt ...

Cut a pocket in each chicken breast and fill them with a pair of scallops and a small twig of rosemary. Close with a pinch and spice with salt and pepper. Clean the pears and cut them well. Brown the chicken breasts in a saucepan of butter and add the pears. L

Mains EVS. a small piece of blue mold cheese White wine Eggs ...

Here is an easy recipe that is just to go to. Cook onion, barcon and mushrooms on a pan while the pasta boils. When the pasta is boiled, pour all of the water and put the cream and bacon mixture into the pasta and heat it up after pouring egg, white wine

Sauces Sprigs of thyme Cayenne pepper Concentrated tomato puree ...

The shells are shaken well, vegetables, tomato sauce, peppercorns, bay leaves, paprika, cayenne pepper are added and the whole is turned well. White wine and the fund are added and the whole is cooked well for 1-1½ hours. The shells are sifted and th