Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Appetizers Dill or parsley A good oil Garlic salt ...

Peel the lobster tail in the oil with spices and add white wine. Simmer slightly and then add lemon, lubricant and peas. Peel out the lubricant to delicious pasta sauce. At the same time cook pasta, let it drip a little before you get the hot pasta on the fore

Soups Pepper Salt White wine ...

Peel earthquakes and cut them into smaller pieces. Pour the butter in a pan and add the scallops and thyme. Add white wine and water and boil the soup under the lid until the earthquakes are very tender, about ½ hour. Add cream and cook the soup through. S

Soups Pepper Salt Cream ...

Cut the parsnips into cubes. Cut the pores into thin rings. Season the vegetables in oil into a saucepan without getting brown. Add white wine and let it boil a little. Pour boullion on, put on low and simmer for 30 minutes. (The vegetables must be very te

Mains Vegetables as desired Basil Chili ...

Pour the oil into a large pan. Sprinkle chilli, curry and basil in the oil. Stir the chicken thighs 5 minutes on each side. Pour the vegetables on. Add 1 bottle of white wine and salt. Boil for 20 minutes. Add the other bottle of white wine. Boil for 20

Appetizers Fresh basillikum White wine Pepper ...

Remove skins and barriers from the sea bag, then fill it to 3 small steaks for each person. The steaks are served in a refractory dish, sprinkled with salt and pepper and a little white wine. Just before serving, they should be baked for 10-12 minutes. Cu

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

father: Stir the dough together and season it well. Step walnut stews of fry in oil on the forehead. Sauce: Chop almonds and crushed garlic seed in the oil together with chopped onion. Add the other ingredients and let the sauce boil for 15 minutes. Taste

Mains Dill Wheat flour Salt ...

A pan is sprayed or lubricated with a little fat. Slices of halibut in portions are added and white wine and water are poured at. Sprinkle with a little salt and steam about 10 minutes. Bring water to the asparagus, cut the stiff end and cook asparagus fo

Mains Pepper Salt Celery ...

Cut the meat into small slices. Skold and pil the onions. Peel celery and cut it into cubes. Melt the fat golden and brown quickly the meat dishes in it. Take the slices up. Season onions and celery. Put the meat back in the pan and season with crushed garlic,