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Recipes with Whipped cream

Mains Margarine Salt Eggs ...

Boil the chicken and pil it on. Season the margerie in a saucepan and bowl of peppers. Season leeks and peppers until they are golden and then bring cream and tomato pasta. Let the mixture boil until it thickens and season with salt and peppers. Must be a l

Candy Light syrup Vanilla sugar Butter ...

1- melt the butter in a thickened pot. 2- When the butter is melted, other things will come in. 3- Now the mass must boil without lid and you must touch the mass until it consists of the ball test (the ball test consists of pouring some drops of the mass int

Appetizers Lemon juice at will Pepper Salt ...

Mix vreme fraiche - tuna - lemon - salt and pepper together. Husblas melted in a water bath and arrived in. Finally, the whipped cream. Put in a refrigerator for a couple of hours. Easy and delicious to make :-)

Desserts (cold) Vanilla Pasteurized egg white Sugar ...

Start making meringue dough. Set the oven to 130 degrees. Whip egg whites stiff and whip the sugar for a little while. Make a big meringue and behind them approx. 30-40 min or until it is golden. Whip the cream of whipped cream and taste with vanilla. Kni

Desserts (cold) Split vanilla pod Whipped cream Whole milk ...

2 1/2 dl of whole milk 2 1/2 dl whipped cream 3 tablespoons of sugar 1/2 split vanilla bar 2 cups (4 plums) pasteurized egg yolks 3 tablespoons of sugar Milk, cream, sugar and vanilla are served in a saucepan. The mixture is boiled and extracted fro

Desserts (cold) Macaroons Egg yolks Chocolate turtles ...

Whip the cream to whipped cream. Melt the chocolate turtles over the water bath. Whip the egg yolks well with a flourish. Stir the "Turtle Cream" in. Gently turn the whipped cream in. Come 1/4 part ice in a spring form. Bring crushed macros in. Pour the

Desserts (cold) Espresso Ladyfingers Marsala (coffee liqueur) ...

Must be prepared the day before it is served :-) The egg yolks are whipped with flour on egg yolk. Mix in the mascarpone. Whip floats are whipped. Same with egg whites until they are stiff. Whipped cream and egg whites are reversed in the mascarpo

Desserts (cold) Good dark chocolate (70%) Pasteurized egg yolks Whipped cream ...

Chop the chocolate and melt it in a water bath. Whip the egg yolks with the sugar until it is bright. Cool the chocolate slightly and mix it while stirring with the eggs. Whip the cream of foam and gently twist half in the chocolate box. Then turn the choco