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Recipes with Spring onions

Mains Frying oil Eggs Finely chopped Basil ...

Deep fried rice: Rice, cornstarch and egg is stirred together. Risblandingen placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. On risblandingen added another piece of wax paper, and the mixture rolled out to a square of about 15 x 20 cm. Top layer of wax paper

Mains Pepper Salt Red wine. meat ...

Thaw the duck breasts slowly up in the fridge. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into smaller pieces. Clean and rinse the bulbs. Cut the fat duck breasts in pane pattern on the page. Roast duck breasts on a dry pan with skin side down, to the fat is melte

Lunch Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Turn on the grill. Cut the spring onions fine. Crack the chili, remove seeds and mince the chili-meat. Stir in the sliced scallions and the finely chopped chilli up with sour cream in a bowl and season with salt. Rinse the avocados, crack them and take t

Soups 3. spice aftertaste Pepper Reef pizzaost ...

Onion, chicken and mushroom Brown in the butter. Water and bouillon cubes are met by. The cream is stirred up with the flour and place in. Boils up and season. Puff pastry rolled out and cut into pieces at ca. 20 x 20 cm. The soup is poured in a soup Cup and c

Sides Spring onions Fresh coriander Jalapenopeber from canned ...

Chop the tomatoes, Jalapeno Pepper, cilantro and scallions. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl, cover it and set it in the refrigerator. Serving: Server the sauce for all types of meat and fish-or on a fried egg!

Mains Dill Oil Pepper ...

Cut the spring onions fine and warm them too weak to sleep in a little oil with curry and chili sauce. Got coconut milk at and let it boil well through. Grate mushrooms and getting them up in coconut sauce and serve with pasta or rice.

Mains Fresh tarragon Pepper Salt ...

The fillets sprinkled with a little coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, then added a mixture of fintsnittede onions and mushrooms, a few tomatoes cut into thin slices and combine with 6-8 leaves, fresh tarragon and a few thin slices of butter. The fillet

Mains Fresh basil Fresh raspberries A little oil for frying ...

Sauce: Breast and thighs from the wood-pigeons are cut from the hull. Breast and thighs are saved for later. Hull Brown well in the preheated oil, add the white wine and boil it down by half. Then add the water, finely chopped shallots, thyme and basil and red