Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Parsley root

Soups Marjoram Pepper Salt ...

Clean the parsley roots and cut them into thin slices. Cut the onion and apples too thin. Saute all 3 parts in butter and pour broth over. Let the soup simmer for about 1/2 hour before the cream and spices in. Add chopped persillerodstop the last few minutes b

Mains Pepper Salt Basil ...

Clean the parsley roots. Cut them into small cubes, boil them until tender in about 20 mins and mash them a little off when they are finished. Melt the margarine in a saucepan and sprinkle the flour in and babies with milk. Add the mashed parsley roots, spices

Mains Salt Bay leaf Red wine ...

Duck breast wipe with a paper towel. The skin is cut, and the chest is added in a small dish. Onion peeled and chopped. Carrot and parsley root, peeled and cut into slices. Vegetables, red wine and spices, mix and pour over duck breast. The meat pulls uncovere

Soups Fresh ginger Parsley Water ...

Portion the vegetables into suitable pieces-not more than 1 tablespoon. Leeks, garlic, parsley, potatoes, ginger, chillies, lentils, bouillon cubes and water cooker, covered, along with half of the parsley (However, all stems) for about 30 minutes in a larg

Mains Cotton cord Olive oil Pepper ...

Fillet of beef and filling: Chop the liver and Brown it in hot oil in a pan. The keel of and add the eggs, cream, salt and pepper. Blend it into a homogeneous mass with a hand blender. Bank kødskiverne out for they are 1/2 cm thick. Butter, liver mass, roll th