Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Parsley root

Sides Salt Black peppercorns Small celery tuber ...

bring salted water to a boil and add the cleaned and coarsely-cut vegetables. Boil it for about 25 minutes and got the spices in. add red wine and bring the marinade up to boiling point. Take it from the heat and leave to cool. Mariner meat in 2 days in the re

Base recipes Pepper Salt Parsley root ...

Wash meat and bones in cold water, getting both parts in a large pot and cover with cold water. Bring it slowly to the boil and foam soup a few times. Do the vegetables and cut them into coarse cubes. Got soup and vegetables may in the soup. Boil the soup appr

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Grated nutmeg Eggs ...

The meat is stirred to father's with the other ingredients. Forcemeat in a rim shape (approx. 1 litre). The rim is made in a pan with so much water, so it reaches half up on the form. Aluminum foil be laid over the mold and was placed on the pan. Småkoger ca.

Mains Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Turn on the oven at 170 degrees c. alm. oven. RIDs the skin of the duck breast and rub it with salt. It came on a cold frying pan and fry the chest over a low heat until it is golden and crunchy. Got the duck breast in the oven for about 30 minutes. Let it

Soups Chopped red chilli Oil Parsley root ...

Sauté the onions in the oil until they are glossy, add chopped garlic, add the curry powder and chili-burn of. Cut and chop the rest of the ingredients and add to the pan. Let simmer for 30 min. Blend and serve. You can serve with a teaspoon. sour cream and

Mains Comments Pepper Salt ...

Chop the onions and Brown well in the oil along with the cumin, salt and pepper. The other fintsnittede vegetables are met by. Stir it all well together and cover the vegetables half time with water. Let them simmer for 20 minutes at low heat. Take the vegetab

Mains White pepper Salt Onion ...

Chop the onion and parsley coarsely. Put Turkey Breast in a pan, roast the slices came over. They came chopped herbs and water in. Cook the meat on low heat about 45 min. Pour of and for soup over meat, it should be tender and the soup is boiled away. Peel cel

Mains Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Slice the carrots and parsley root into cubes. Chicken and ripping off tomateren and cut them in both. Chop the dried tomatoes. Rinse the spinach and chop it coarsely. Cut the spring onions into slices. Mix all the vegetables in a pan, pour the tomato j