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Recipes with Parsley root

Soups Lemon Pepper Parsley ...

All vegetables are cleaned and carrot, parsley root, cabbage and celery cut into thin slices. Squash'en, Aubergine and the peeled potatoes cut into cubes, pebrene into strips and tomatoes into slices. All vegetables, except potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, s

Mains Duck fat Calves Fund Pepper ...

Brystes cut from the legs, the skin peeled of the chest, placed in pressure between 2 baking sheets and bake in hot oven approximately 185 degrees for 10 minutes. Breast rolled on legs and packed into the pancette. Place in a dish with root vegetables cut i

Mains Maizenamel Pepper Salt ...

Unghanen FRY in oven at 180 degrees C for about 1 hour and draws additional 30 minutes. Sauce: boil the Fund well through and season with madeira. Smoothed over with maizenamel udrørt in a little cold water. Seasoned with salt and pepper. Vegetables: veg

Sides Salt Butter Carrots ...

Cut the vegetables into cubes and boil them until tender. Mash the vegetables and stir in butter and boil water to proper consistency and season with salt.

Sauces A little cayenne pepper A little butter Bay leaf ...

Finsnittede must lotter and parsley and mushrooms Sauté in a little butter until onions are clear. Sauté, add thyme, Bay and red wine and indkoges half, sifted and smoothed over with beurre Manias or blond roux, fitted with cold butter and season with cayenne

Mains Pepper Salt Apple ...

Parsley root, peeled and cut into about 2 cm cubes. The onion cut into slices and Apple cut into 2 cm cubes. Vegetables and fruit fry in oil in a sauté pan with lid. Juice and pepper sprinkled over and water and lime juice poured over. Vegetables some gruel is

Soups White pepper Curry A little oil ...

Parsley root is cleaned, cut into pieces and boiled in water until it is well tender. Water and parsley blended to a smooth puree, which is poured back into the pan. Add cream, and season with salt and pepper. Who can possibly have to thin water down up with a

Sauces A little parsley Apple vinegar Carrot ...

vegetables peeled and cut into smaller pieces so they quickly through the boil. They are cooked in a pan with 1 dl water or Fund. When the vegetables are cooked, blended together with the rest of the ingredients. Season with salt and pepper. If you think the s