Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Whole peppercorns Nutmeg Pepper ...

Pour the fish into milk or half milk and water and allow it to cool in the liquid. Place the liquid in a measuring cup and spice up with water if necessary until 3 dl. moisture. Low bechamel sauce: Pour the milk into a thickened pot and add onion bay leaf,

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Cut the breadcrumbs into pieces of about 1cm. Chop the onions in fine pieces and cook in a half-sized saucepan. Add the tenderloin. Pour about half of the cream and add the tomato puree. Then pour the rest of the cream in. Boil between heat for about 45 minute

Mains Peas Peeled tomatoes Cream ...

The spaghetti is boiled according to the package's instructions. Meanwhile, the oil is heated, in turn, onions, tuna, peas and corn are swirled. Flaked tomatoes and cream are added. It is boiled and simmered about 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Spagh

Mains Wheat flour Onion Oil ...

Turn the chops into flour mixed with peppers of salt and pepper. Brown the chops in oil in a high-browed pan and remove them. Chop the chopped mushrooms in quarters and grate onions and mushrooms golden on the forehead at high heat. Turn to medium heat and pla

Sides Pepper Salad dressing Salt ...

1 cut a salad head then cut the tomatoes and aguarchs, the peppers And the onion putb some salt and pepper put dressing and enjoyed it

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

BEFORE YOU START: Notice the long cooking time: 2-2½ hours. Cut onion, bacon, celery and carrots very nicely into the tern and mix it all with the meat in a large saucepan. Put the mixture in oil into the pan until the meat turns brown. Then add the wine an

Sides Onion Dried thyme Cream cheese, 60 + ...

Clean the mushrooms. Carefully turn the stick off. Cut possibly. Too with a knife. The logs are chopped well. The mushrooms themselves are placed with the hole up in a refractory dish. Arrow and chin worked very well. Put the bacon on the pan until it's

Mains Green bell pepper Salt Roast beef ...

The yeast is stirred in lukewarm water and then salt, oil and flour are stirred soon afterwards. Roll the dough into small round pizzas (or two large) Roastbeff or other residual beef cut into thin strips. The onions are chopped and tomatoes and peppers are