Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Sauces Brandy Chili oil Salt ...

Blend 2 oranges and say them Cut the onions in both Put some chili oil on the forehead Add the onions until they turn white Come into the apple juice and cook it in half. Add brandy and season with thyme and salt

Mains 100 g. bacon in cubes Pepper Salt ...

The loaf is chopped well and the peppers are shredded. The loaf is cooked in the margarine until they are transparent. The meat is added and browned. Add the pepper and flour and stir well. Add the bouillon and tomato puree as well as the peppers. Let it

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Arrow and heel loosened roughly. Melt the fat or warm the oil into a pan and brown the onions in it. Add the chopped beef and turn well until it has a color. Sprinkle flour over the meat and stir well. Bring broth, salt and pepper and let the dish spin by l

Soups Pepper Salt Water ...

Peel potatoes and carrots, arrow onion. Cut in quarters. Put the vegetables in a pan and pour water over until it covers. Put it over fire. When boiling the water, boil for another 20 minutes. Or until the vegetables are tender. The blend for the soup is smo

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

The potatoes are cut into slices. The onions are peeled, cut into small pieces. The onions are steamed in the butter. Add broth, vinegar, sugar, cream, salt and pepper and simmer for 5 minutes. Gently turn the potatoes in and let it all get a little warm

Mains Pepper Salt Boiled potatoes ...

Meat and potatoes are cut into small terns. The onions are chopped. The onions sweat on the forehead of the fat. Let it get hot before mixing the potato pieces. Turn up the heat and grate the biscuit until the potato pieces are golden. Stir occasionally.

Soups Pepper Salt Peeled almonds and shrimp ...

Pears, eggs and apples are roughly sliced ​​and smoked. Add curry, flour and soup and simmer for 10-20 minutes. The soup is sown and blended. Tomato paste and whipped cream. Season with salt and pepper. Served with a spoon of sliced ​​almonds and shrimp in

Mains A little Basil Fancy bread Pepper ...

I have always wondered about the Danish 30-minute bolognese. In Italy there is a sauce that boils for 3 hours. First rinse the celery rods and the carrots peeled and peeled. It's very important that it gets chopped ultra fine, so I usually use my blender