Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Finely chopped onion

Appetizers Capers Cut chives Pepper ...

Mix cheese, onion and spices and stop falling into the squash flowers. The flowers can Sauté gently in a pan, or baked in a greased casserole dish at 160 degrees C, for they are through heating.

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Cook the pasta Sauté løgbladselleri and bell pepper in oil and infant with the wine and let it simmer. Stir in half the olive mussels with wetness and tilsæat sour cream and cream and pineapple in flavor to and add the prawns and pour over pasta aaucen. sprink

Mains Oil or fat for deep frying Pepper Olive oil ...

Begin the day before putting the fish in soft clip at least 12 hours in a bowl with as much cold water that the fish are covered. Change the water several times. Heat oven up to 200 degrees C. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin sticks. Dry them on

Mains Black pepper Stockfish Olive oil ...

Begin the day before to tear the fish into small pieces with your fingers. Put them in a bowl and cover with cold water. The fish must be soaked for at least 12 hours. Change the water 3-4 times and disassemble the fish in still smaller pieces. Pour the water

Lunch Chopped dill or other herb Pepper Salt ...

All ingredients are stirred together and season with salt and pepper. This mixture can be used on sandwiches, if they are in need of a little extra flavor (instead of mayonnaise remulade, etc).

Mains Marizena to jævning Oil for frying Pepper ...

Forcemeat is stirred with egg, onion, salt and pepper, and garlic and Add flour and a bit of water so it will have the consistency of Meatball sausage meat. Then FRY forcemeat as small meatballs in a deep sautepande in oil so they will be browned on both sides

Sides Paprika Salt Dill ...

Mayonnaisen touched with lemon juice and add the onion and the finely cut dill. Season with salt and paprika. Served with fried fish, fish in jelly, seafood or vegetables.

Mains A little barbecue spice Oil for frying Pepper ...

Cottage cheese, tomato cubes, onions and gherkins stirred together. Tilsmages with salt and pepper. The finely grated squeezed of moisture and mix with parsley. FRY as two small pancakes in hot pan. Chicken breasts fried on both sides in approximately 3-4 minu