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Recipes with Finely chopped onion

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped onion ...

Feta, spinach and onions stirred together and season with salt and pepper. The mass of the guards on the fillets, which rolled and closed with a toothpick. Each roll is packaged in staniol or greaseproof paper and bake in oven 20 minutes at 200 degrees. T

Mains Basil A bit of cold water Pepper ...

Start with cutting ham meat into small cubes and mariner it in salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar and a little Basil a few hours before or the night before. Crumble the butter into the flour together with the salt. Add a little bit of cold water to the dough st

Appetizers Oil or butter Finely chopped onion Peeled chopped tomatoes ...

Curry Sauté in butter or oil. The finely chopped onions should be clarified in the mixture. It is important that løgstykkerne will not be Brown because it spoils the taste. Fiskeboullion, cream and finely chopped garlic added. The tomatoes are added and the so

Lunch Fresh dill Peas Mayonaise ...

all the ingredients are mixed well together. Garnish with fresh dill Tips: eaten with rye bread

Mains Pepper Pressed garlic after taste Rosemary ...

Bank snitslerne out, so they are getting so big and flat as possible, and sprinkle them with pepper (not salt, because salt is enough feta). Advantage of finely chopped onion, Rosemary and feta cubes on one half of each snitsel, fold the other half over and cl

Sides Pepper Eggs Soup or water ...

The meat and the onion must be very finhakket, to dough balls can be slippery. Stir in stuffing together. Let it draw for about ½ hour in the refrigerator. Nodules formed with a spoon and boil in salted water in 3-4 minutes. Take them up with a slotted spoon.

Sauces Finely chopped ginger Oil Paprika ...

Onion, garlic, chili and Ginger FRY in a little oil for a few minutes. Peanuts are crushed in a parsley grinder and mix with the remaining ingredients and it all cooked to a creamy sauce.

Lunch Cream fraice Finely chopped onion Lettuce head ...

The meat is cut into small cubes. The salad cut into thin strips and place in the bottom of a baking dish. Bacon roasted and mixed with mushroom and the rest of the indgredienserne. The meat and the salad are mixed then in the salad. The salad season with s