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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Cod roe ...

Cook the ROE in water with pretty much salt. Put ROE in pressure between two fat boards. When the ROE is cold, cut it into slices. Place it in a marinade of vinegar and oil and sprinkle it with chopped onion.

Cold cuts Freshly ground pepper Large onion Coarse salt ...

Liver, bacon, onion and garlic blended or chopped, Add flour and milk, season with pepper and salt. Bake in a water bath. The recipe can also be made, how to make a bechamel flavored with spices and anjoser.

Cold cuts Mayonnaise eg 3% from net Pepper Salt ...

Peel the onions and chop them very finely, or blend them. It same with the cucumbers. Drain tuna, add mayo, onions and cucumber, season with salt and pepper and dill. Tips: A small bit of curry gives a good, anmderledes taste.

Cold cuts French or Italian bread kvickly's flûte Freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Lay the sardines in a stone mortar or a heavy Bowl together with the finely chopped shallots and butter. Shock this together in a mortar with støderen or in the bowl with a wooden spoon to mix is quite fine-grained as a puree. Then add the lemon juice, salt &a

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Start by chopping the onion and garlic finely and cut mushrooms into quarters pieces. heat a frying pan up with fat. Fry the onions a few minutes until they have taken the color. Add the mushrooms and cook a few minutes more. It came in a bowl and refrigerate,

Cold cuts Fresh Sage Wholemeal rye flour Eggs ...

Melt the butter. Add rye flour. Pipes. Add milk 1 liter at a time. Pipes. Run the liver, fat, garlic, onion and Sage through the mincer. Add the kryderblanding and stir thoroughly. Add this to opbagningen. Pipes. Add the eggs. Pipes. When the mass is

Cold cuts Nettles Rughalm Salt ...

Stir ingredients together in a bowl and identified. Stands approximately 36 hours to warm then the milk is separated into Whey and cheese. Put a towel in a strainer and filter the whey from. The process takes about 24 hours in the refrigerator. The cheese smok

Cold cuts Leek Salt Mild cheese without comments ...

Cheese and Leek rives on the grater. Add salt and the whipped cream. The gelatine in cold water for retting is added (approx. 5 min.), Then solved it up in a steam bath. Pour the dissolved isinglass in the mixture a little at a time and stir in cold until i