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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Salt Carnation Allspice ...

Sprinkle Roast with salt on both sides and the battle put the cool one day. Rinse and dry the battle and wide it out. Mix the spices. Arrow and click skalotte the onions finely and sprinkle the spices and onions in addition to battle in an even layer. Roll mea

Cold cuts Oil Oregano Pepper ...

Liver, onions, bacon and anchovies in a food processor chop eggs, milk, oil, salt, pepper, bread crumbs, cognac is stirred into the dough pour in buttered moulds. and bake in a Bain Marie 200gr ca 45 min Tips: Can be frozen uncooked or baked

Cold cuts Other dried fruit Lemon or orange juice Handful of walnuts ...

figs, walnuts and dried fruit in the blender and blended well with lemon or orange juice for infants it will be a reasonable smørebar lot Tips: hand blender cannot be used

Cold cuts Give Egg whites Salt ...

All ingrediender chopped and stirred together. Pour into a mold and bake in water bath at 200 degrees for approximately 1 – 1 ½ hour.

Cold cuts Give Egg whites Salt ...

All ingrediender chopped and stirred together. Pour into a mold and bake in water bath at 200 degrees for approximately 1 – 1 ½ hour.

Cold cuts Wheat flour (bake well through) Margerine Chopped liver ...

Low opbagningen of margerine and flour. Add the bouillon bake well through. Add milk and studded melted in it. Then the rest of the ingredients except the together beaten eggs. This added a bit of opbagningen so it heats up slowly and whipped in eventually Pou

Cold cuts Salt Garlic Bay leaf ...

Chop the pork, veal and the liver as well as half of the bacon, mix it well together. Crush the peppercorns and juniper berries. Chop the garlic very fine. Got this and thyme, marjoram and a little salt (remember that a real French pâté should not be too salty

Cold cuts Basil Olive oil Sesame seeds ...

½ peeled Hokaido cut into both. Brushed with oil and place in a greased casserole dish. Bake at 200 degrees C in ovenen about 20 min. Add the 5-6 small onion into quarters and 3-4 tomatoes into quarters. A remnant of baked Hokaido blended with soy cream or o