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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

drain the 2 cans of tuna and put the flesh in a bowl. use a fork to share it with. Add cremfraiche to it has a soft and creamy texture. then add the Arctic ROE. Lemon and salt and pepper are added according to taste. Bon appétit Tips: lubricated on a pi

Cold cuts Eco. Orange Whipped cream Sugar ...

Chop Chocolate coarsely and melt it in the cream (easily in the microwave). Breadcrumbs shell of the appelsinen. Squeeze the juice of the appelsinen. Cook the peel and juice, along with the sugar, until finally, the jam thickens. Chocolate mass and the Orange

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Lemon juice from here ...

Kaikan is split into 2 and kernel, as well as the skin is removed. Shared then in approximately 4-6 equal-sized pieces. The water is poured carefully from the tuna, and this place in a bowl with Kaikan. Tuna and avocado moses together for a steady lot (it t

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Remove the skin and as many pins as possible, so you end up with having approximately 500 grams of sildekød in a bowl. Add approximately 2 dl oil and blend vigorously with a hand blender (until all pins are crunched). Add approximately 1/2 dl whipping cr

Cold cuts Allspice Bacon Blubber ...

Liver-blubber-anchovies and onions chopped mixed with the egg cream, flour and spices It is filled into ½ l. foil trays and cover with bacon. Bake in a water bath cir. 50 minutes at 180 gr Can be frozen in raw mode

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Sage ...

Chop the pork and lamb liver with onions. Mix the squeezed garlic, minced Walnut kernels and chopped mushrooms in the flesh. Stir in eggs and cream in the forcemeat. Add the spices. Add salt and pepper to taste. Bake at 180 degrees for about 60 min. Tips

Cold cuts Cream White pepper Caraway schnaps ...

Remains of mild, medium aged and matured cheese, as well as possibly a little blue cheese shreds or moses and put it in a jar. Smear with Caraway schnaps, so it just covers ('s naps are excellent). Pour 2 snaps glass rom over and a little salt and white pe

Cold cuts Coarse salt Red chili Lime juice thereof ...

Iblødsæt chickpeas overnight. Pour the water from the iblødsætnings and boil the chickpeas in fresh water for 1 hour. pour the boiling water and cool the chickpeas. Chop the garlic and chilli finely (seeds removed from chili), blend chickpeas with all th