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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Red wine Ground cloves Nitrite salt ...

Knead the mass well and add Packed which is cut into very small cubes the whole pressing should be approximately ½-1 hour Then filled it in natural or artificial intestines and stopped really well. Must then be placed in brine in a 24-3-4 The brine. 5 l. wa

Cold cuts Brown sugar Sugar Apple cider ...

-Peel the apples, remove the core and cut the apples into slices the House. Bring Apple slices and its appearance to a boil in a small saucepan. Turn down the heat, put a lid on and let Apple mixture simmer for 10 minutes or to the apples are very tender. -

Cold cuts Pepper Vinegar Sugar ...

The herrings are changed in rye flour and FRY on both sides Vinegar and sugar are boiled together The entire mix The herrings are added in the lagen (herrings put in a bowl and pour the brine over)

Cold cuts Allspice Mini milk Anchovies ...

Liver, blubber, småkød, onions and anchovies, chopped together 4 times. The mass stirred with milk, eggs, flour and spices. Bake in a water bath for approximately 1 hour at 175 degrees.

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Onion ...

1: getting the ham in the blænderen and blændt it and it came in a bowl. 2: cut the bell pepper and onion into small pieces and got it in the bowl. 3: cut purløgen and it came in conjunction with mayonaisen. 4: to taste with salt and pepper. 5: get

Cold cuts Rough white pepper Oil Fresh salmon (preferably middle piece) ...

1. Skæer salmon through from the dorsal side, so there will be two halves. Rinse, dry and cut cfire fine. 2. Free the salmon strips for legs. Jack the knife just under benranden, and let the string close to the legs, so that as little laksekød mes as possible

Cold cuts Small red onion Tuna Cottage cheese ...

Variants: Use what you have. Com for example corn in, radishes or radishes, diced, bell pepper, Yes, whatever you have at home and fit to one's own taste. Mix it all together and serve e.g. for a piece of bread

Cold cuts Minced parsley Pepper Parsley or similar ...

For the dough to knead all ingredients together. Rests about 1 hour in a cool place (refrigerator). The dough is divided into two parts. A pie form fores in bottom and on sides with one half. The filling is added in The second half. of dough rolled out and