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Cold cuts recipes

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Chop champion, onion, garlic and nuts fine in food processor or other. Put the mixture in the oil and add thyme. Pour it into a stirrup and let it cool a little. Stir eggs, cream and rice in the mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Fill the mix

Cold cuts Lemon Pepper Salt ...

The water is poured out of the tuna and the rest is mixed together.

Cold cuts Pepper Salt White wine ...

The meat is cut from the legs of the hair, the fillet is finished, the rest of the hare is run through the meatbaker with onions, herbs, Madagascar peppers and sprouts. Then stir it with egg, whipped cream and white wine, salt and pepper. The father must stand

Cold cuts Quatre epices (Spice blend) Thyme Garlic ...

The first five ingredients run twice through the mincer. Spices, potato flour and salt and pepper stir herein. A pâté kind well-lubricated with lard, forcemeat granted and pressed well. Eventually be Bay leaves. Cnivi put in the oven at 200 degrees vandbadv

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Oil ...

Buckwheat roasted 5 min. in oil in a pan. The broth is poured on and the buckwheat dam per 15 minutes, covered. The buckwheat to cool slightly. Mushroom chopped, the onion cut into cub ger. Mushroom and onion Sauté in oil and allow to cool slightly. Fran

Cold cuts Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Saute the mushrooms, garlic and shallot approx. 7 min. on a dry nonstick pan. Stir in the mass all the time, otherwise burns it on. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste mass and let it cool. Blend mushrooms and beans, season with remaining ingredients,

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Butter ...

Came the meat in a pot of boiling water, boil it in 25 minutes. (C-temp 40 degrees thermometer). Take the meat up, wipe it browned in butter and FRY for approx. 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Let the meat cool slightly before it be wrapped and p

Cold cuts Plenty of water Salt Corned beef spidsbryst ...

Brisket is added in abundant fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Is boiling 3-4 hours. The meat is taken up and cooled by like to overnight