Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Bread, buns & biscuits Coffee cream Eggs Sugar ...

Chop the cold fat into the flour and add sugar. Stir the yeast into a little of the cream, pour it into the flour mixture and work the dough quickly.

Divide the dough into 2 pieces and roll each portion into a round cake, approx. 25 cm. In diameter. Do not ...

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Wheat flour Water ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Heat the water until it is hand warm, pour it into the bowl and stir until the yeast is dissolved.

Add salt, durum wheat and wheat flour and mix well. Spread the dough for 5 minutes to make it very smooth. Let the dough raise in...

Cakes in form Lemon balm Egg yolk Cinnamon ...

Stir fat, egg yolks and sugar airy. Add cream and flour and work it all for a smooth dough. Pour the dough into 6 round tartelforms, about 11 cm in diameter, preferably with loose bottoms.

Rinse and split each apple into 4 boats and remove the core house. C...

Lunch Salt Semi-skimmed milk Yeast ...

Stir yeast into the lukewarm water. Make a dough of the battered yeast and the remaining ingredients.

Divide the dough into 3 equal pieces rolled out into circles with a cake roll. Divide each circle into the tenths through the middle.

Put a cocktail sau...

Sauces 0.5 dl. whipping cream Pepper Salt ...

Melt the butter. Sprinkle the flour in and behind golden in the pan while stirring. Sprinkle with boil while whipping and let the sauce boil 3-5 minutes with mild heat with continued stirring. Add if necessary. Cream and flavor to.

Add cream or milk. Season...

Sauces Sugar Freshly grated horseradish Water ...

The apples are peeled, the core house is taken out. Cut the apples into small tern and steam them in the water until they are purified. Then they add sugar. Pepperroden is added after cooling. The sauce is good for eg. ham....

Lunch Herbal salt Powdered cloves Curry ...

Rice and lentils rinse thoroughly in 3 warm and 1 warm water. Drips off in a sieve.

Onions and garlic are peeled and cut into slices.

The ginger is peeled and torn on the fine side of the grater.

If the coconut milk is not bought in can, you can make ...

Sauces Pepper Grated horseradish Salt ...

Melt the butter and stir the flour. Spread the soup and the cream. Season with salt and pepper and fried horseradish.

Good for beef beef from beef soup.

Horseradish is very strong and remember to add it just before serving, otherwise it will lose ...