Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Freshly crushed pepper grains Oregano or second leaf spice Paprika ...

Divide the beef in two equal steaks. Mix the spices and put it on the sides of the steaks.

Stir on warm forehead without fat.

The peppers are cut into the tern. The paws are cut into slices. Champions cut into slices. The loop is chopped. The cherry toma...

Snacks Pumpkin seeds Salt ...

You must take all the churns out of a whole pumpkin and wash them thoroughly. Place them there on a baking sheet with baking paper. Sprinkle a little salt over them and let them dry.

Place them in the oven for approx. 20 minutes (keep an eye on them) You mu...

Mains Suit Paprika Pepper ...

Arrow and heel loosened roughly. Melt the fat or warm the oil into a pan and brown the onions in it. Add the chopped beef and turn well until it has a color.

Bring broth, peppers, salt and pepper and let the dish spin by low heat and under tight lid for app...

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The onions are chopped and roasted in margarine, picked up.

The chops are seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika and chopped after the onion. Place the chops in a greased oven dish and allocate the onions over them.

Sprinkle the flour on the fore...

Mains English sauce (optional) Ketchup to the table Paprika ...

Macaroni is broken once and cooked al dente in plenty of leprosy water (Any taste of one that still has to be bite in Macaroni) poured into a sieve.

Chopped meat and onions are mixed and placed on a large forehead with a high fat (black pan) with a little f...

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Oil Wheat flour ...

Dissolve the yeast in the sugar and salt in a bowl. Warm the milk and oil, so it is "little finger" hot and pour it into the bowl. Then add the flour gradually and store a little for kneading (do not necessarily use all the flour).

Form the balls and place ...

Mains Pepper Salt Grated cheese ...

Put the pasta in a greased oven dish. Put porridge and ham over the cheese sprinkle over egg, cream, salt and pepper whipped together and pour over the filling. Put in a 225 ° C hot oven for 30 minutes.

Served with flutes or buns....

Mains Minced parsley Onion Olive oil ...

The onion is chopped and chopped with garlic in a saucepan. The carrots are cut into small tern and added with the other ingredients. The sauce is cooked under low for approx. 15 min.

The raviolins are turned into the sauce and poured into a refractory dish...