Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Lunch (to go) A few fish cakes Wholemeal bread Pepper ...

Grate carrots, parsley and possibly. scallions. Turn the remoulade and yum together in a bowl. Add spices and vegetables. Place the salad covered in the fridge for half an hour. Stir up the salad and taste it....

Cakes in form Baking soda Almond essence Wheat flour ...

Eggs and sugar are stirred foaming and the remaining ingredients are piped into the dough in greased muffin molds and baked for 15 minutes at 200 degrees C....

Mains White pepper Herbs nr. 8 Greenland halibut or trout ...

Remove fishing legs. Chop the potatoes like potato slices and put them in the dish. Then put the fish on top of potato slices. Mix suppers and prawns.

Whipped cream and milk boil and melt the cheese. Mix the other ingredients and the sauce is added to the f...

Drinks (cold) Lemon or lemonade Ice cube bags ...

Take an icing bag and a hopper put the funnel into the icing bag and slowly pour the lemon juice or soda down into the funnel. When the bag is filled, close the bag and put it in the freezer. When it's frozen then open the bag and put the ice cubes in a drink....

Cakes in form Milk Sugar Eggs ...

Sugar and margarine are whipped together, the eggs are added one at a time, stirring well. Bake powder mixed in the flour and turn in the dough with the milk.

Bake in cake form approx. 45 minutes at 170 degrees C. alm. oven.

Can be decorated with ...

Desserts (cold) Coconut syrup Cream Bananas ...

Blend things together ... More difficult it is not !!!

Good pot...

Mains Bay leaf Basil Sea salt ...

Walnuts are ground and mixed with breadcrumbs. Onion and celery boil together with herbs and salt. The mixture may be Blend after it is boiled. Everything is mixed into a solid, even father. Shape to round, 1 cm. Thick steaks. Stir on teflon panes with relativ...

Lunch (to go) Freshly ground pepper Salt Coarse-grained dijon mustard ...

Cook, drizzle and rinse the paste under the cold tap. Let it drip and mix it in a large bowl of all the other ingredients. Whip the dressing together and taste it well before turning it carefully into the salad, which is served in a large bowl and served with ...