Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Soups Good wheat bread Salt Chili powder ...

Brush the mussels thoroughly under running cold water and remove the beard. Peel the garlic and chop them together with the rinsed parsley. Heat the oil in a large, low saucepan. Season garlic and parsley for a short while and add the tomatoes. Add chilli powd...

Mains Whole chicken Sugar Paprika ...

Clean the chicken and cut it halfway (as you would normally do). Spread the peppers on top of the whole chicken and then sprinkle all the sugar on.

The past time depends on how much the chicken is.

Can be served with potatoes and sauce. Or flute a...

Soups Freshly ground pepper Italian bread Salt ...

Cut the veal & amp; Bacon in lead-thinned shells of approx. 3 cm long. Bring oil into a spacious pot, let it live warm & amp; Shake the meat & amp; Bacon golden.

Clean bubble cells & amp; Gently cut them into pieces, about 5 cm long & amp; Cut them into sma...

Soups A little sugar Salt Butter ...

The tomatoes are freed for stems and a cross is made at the top. Put in boiling water approx. 15-20 seconds and then in ice water. The tomatoes are freed for skin and quilted. The onions are cut into fine tern and sautéed in butter. Add the tomatoes and boil t...

Soups Eggs fresh Freshly grated parmesan Butter ...

Put the boil over boiling. In a pan melt the butter and bread slices are golden golden on both sides. Bring the loaves up and put them in 4 deep soup plates and sprinkle with parmesan. Beat an egg on each loaf and pour over boiling broth. Bem. If you want the ...

Soups Pepper Salt Onion ...

Onions and smoked sprouts are cut into fine tern. Lightly shake in 1 tablespoon of butter. Add broth and sauerkraut and cook at low heat for approx. 30 min. Season with salt and pepper. The potato is peeled and torn down directly into the soup on a raw roast (...

Soups Salt Cayenne pepper Lemon juice thereof ...

Add white wine and sugar to half and add 2 dl dessert wine and chicken broth. Boil through and level with maizena. Boil 5-10 min. The soup is flavored with lemon juice, cayenne pepper and a little salt. The cream and the remaining portion of dessert wine are a...

Desserts (cold) Freshly squeezed orange juice Honey (approx. 175 g) Plain yogurt ...

Whip orange juice and honey together until the mixture is liquid. Pour a little of the liquid honey over the yogurt. Serve the rest of the liquid honey into a bowl. Used for desserts.

The liquid honey can be stored in the refrigerator for approx. 1 w...