Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Desserts (warm) Salt Baking soda Sugar ...

The eggs are whipped together in a bowl, for a light and airy mass. Sieve flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in and stir the dough evenly. It is important that the flour is not processed too much as pancakes will be cool. Melt the butter and stir it together...

Desserts (warm) Lemon, thereof Salt Maple syrup ...

The eggs are shared.

The egg yolks are whipped thoroughly with buttermilk and lemon peel. Mix the flour with baking soda. Flour, sugar and salt are sifted into the milk mixture. Stir thoroughly, but not for long.

The egg whites are whipped stiff and turn...

Appetizers Blueberries fresh or frost A little cream Butter ...

Danablu Creme:
Mash cream cheese and Danablu together and add the walnuts. If the cream is very firm, you can touch a little cream.

Whip the dough together and put some butter on the forehead to fry the first pancake. Bag 8-10 thin pancakes.


Desserts (warm) Salt Lemon Finrevne hazelnuts ...

The flour is stirred with salt, egg and buttermilk for a pancake pie and rests covered for half an hour. In the meantime, the lemon is squeezed. The apples are divided into quarters, the core house is removed, peeled and divided into thin slices sprinkled with...

Desserts (warm) Icing Appollinaris Salt ...

Whip the eggs together with the milk and appolinaris in a bowl. Stir it in flour, sugar, vanilla and salt until it is a smooth dough.

Melt butter on the forehead and behind approx. 14 thin pancakes of dough. Bring a few teaspoonful jams on each pancake and ...

Cakes Strawberry Coconut Meringue bottoms ...

Whip the egg whites stiff, whack the sugar and whip a little, gently flip cornflakes and coconut and make 2 bottles on a plate, at the back of the oven for 35 minutes at 150 degrees C.

Whip the cream and put strawberries in and lay between the bottoms. Deco...

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika ...

The chunk piece is cut into cubes and brune in the fat in a saucepan. Take them up and bacon and onions cut into thin pieces of the same fat. Put the meat back into the pan and sprinkle with salt pepper and peppers over. Stir well and pour the cream on. Put on...

Desserts (cold) A38 Ginger Lime ...

Boil water and add sugar to dissolve. Let it cool off glue and grate ginger. Mix A38, line, ginger, vanilla melt in a water bath or in the microwave and whip it in the sugar water. Now, the sugar can be whipped thoroughly. Cook for 3-4 hours

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