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Recipes with White wine

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Salmon slices, there should not be too broad, is added to the fish. Salt, pepper sprinkled over. Rolled together, put into heat-proof dish with spinach, white wine and lemon juice poured over. The dish is put in the middle of the oven at 225 degrees for 20-

Lunch Cucumber Lemon Dill ...

Put salmon remainders in a heat-proof platter. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper, and put timiankvisten and 2 tbsp. Water down to the salmon. Cover with silver foil and set it in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Refrigerate the fish easily. Mix

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

All the ingredients for the pestoen blended together to form a half coarse, thick sauce. Pestoen season with salt and pepper. The chicken is split into 6 parts. Pestoen granted under the skin on each piece of chicken. The chicken placed on a indfast platter

Soups Fintahkket chalotteløg Pepper Salt ...

Fry the carrot and onion until tender in butter without it takes color. Add the fish broth. Let it boil gently, covered, for about 5 min. Dissolve saffron in a little of the wine. Stir it into the pan with the remaining wine. Tomatkød in cubes and add the d

Soups Cayenne pepper Onion Saffron ...

Arrow the prawns and the roof shell URaf.hak onion and fry it in a little butter/oil me dsafran threads. Add the shrimp shells and let it FRY 2 min. Stir thoroughly and sprinkle the flour over the Baby with milk. Add the cream and wine and simmer, covered, for

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

The meat from the legs and then cut into smaller pieces and Brown in butter with your legs, the lies carved in both, it smoked pork into cubes, carrots, sliced, salt, pepper and juniper berries, it's all Brown and FRY well. Broth and white wine, add the pee

Mains White wine Onion Whole peppercorns ...

Brown the meat in a little olive oil, add a little water and white wine-Laurel leaf-Peppercorn-onion-let it spin for the meat is almost tender-then add the carrots peas garlic throughout the fed and take a spin on to everything is tender. Tips: Served with

Pickling Lemon balm White wine Rhubarb ...

Rhubarb cut into smaller pieces and cooked until tender in water, sugar and vanilla. White wine and lemon balm are added. There are cooled down and the glory in a pitcher and made cold.