Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains The 3. Spice A little butter Some leaves fresh basil ...

Clean the quails for remaining feathers and rinse out and inside. Then the filling is prepared. Parsley, basil, onion, garlic, and half chicken bouillon chopped well, like in the food processor. The mixture is filled in the quails. In a steamer, butter an

Mains Duck fat or clarified butter Butter Soup may ...

Cut the pineapples off, but leave the meat on the breastbone. Then divide the pheasant in the back, upper and lower thighs. Cut the meat from the ear and cut it into strips. Enrich the herbs for the fund. Cut the herbs roughly and brown in a thickened pot t

Mains EVS. a little, 1 tskf. paprika EVS. a little, only Cut parsley ...

Everything is mixed in the marinade. The chicken is divided into 4 pieces and draws in the marinade for couple of hours in a cold place. Now chop the onions and mix with the rice and both light dishes in butter in a saucepan until it is slightly light brow

Sauces White wine Cream Port wine ...

Pour the port wine and white wine into a pan. Let it boil halfway and pour the cream in. Stir often around the pan with the whipped cream and let the sauce boil until it is even but not thick. Taste it with salt and pepper and pour over the pineapples.

Mains Little Cranberry jelly Pepper Salt ...

Divide the pheasant in 4-6 pieces and get some bacon about each piece. Then brown the pheasants in butter in a large saucepan and come to the nuts. Just before it burns, fond and wine will come on and the dish will spin under the lid for approx. 30-40 minutes,

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped shallots ...

Rinse and dry the pheasants, Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Fill them with the apples, chalot lakes and the pheasant's coarse liver. Close with meatballs. Put the birds in a pan with the butter and them on all sides. Leave them in the pan, then put it in a

Mains Broth cooked by kråser, and neck A little thyme Pepper ...

The purified turkey is filled in the triangle in front of the dad, and the throat bends over the back. The rest of the daddy is filled in the turkey, which is closed with the meat tip and the thighs tie together. Add the turkey directly to the frying pan, spri

Sauces Little charlotteløg Basil Sugar ...

The sauce is boiled in the butter, the white wine is poured in, this is cooked into a thick porridge, poured into the sauce, the sauce is cooked thickly (can take 15-20 minutes). The sugar is poured in if the sauce is sour (too sour white wine). The basil is c