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Recipes with White wine

Mains Curry Apple juice Green asparagus ...

Cod: The fillets are rinsed and dipped dry. Place the fish in a greased dish with the skin side up, sprinkle some oil over and put the dish in the oven at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for 8-10 min. Then the skin can be easily removed and the cod is seasoned with

Mains Lemon juice Dill Pepper ...

witch: The fillets are spiced with salt. Fold the fillets to make them even all over the place. Cut possibly. 1 or 2 cut into each file without cutting through and folding the pages together. Bring white wine, cream and flour into a pan and place the fillets

Mains Pepper Salt Cloud from the fish ...

Salt inside and outside. Lubricate an ovenproof dish of appropriate size. Put the porridge in the bottom of the dish. Lay the trout on top and cover with lemon slices. Pour water and white wine at. Cover the dish with greased aloe oil and style it in the oven

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

The vegetables are cut roughly and sautees short. Cut the tenderloin halfway along and give it an extra cut at the outer edges to form a rectangle. The tenderloin is seasoned with salt and pepper. In a greased ovenproof dish spread the sliced ​​vegetable

Mains EVS. ½ TSP sugar Corn flour Butter, for frying ...

The fresh rosemary is flushed and the leaves are peeled off. Chop them roughly. The black bread rolls in the chopped herbs. Squeeze the herbs firmly into the meat with your hands. Melt the butter on a large forehead and brown tenderloin on all sides at quite h

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice White wine Cornstarch/corn flour ...

Stir corn starch / maizena, wine and lemon juice together. Bring the fruit puree with the sugar and stir the flour. Let it simmer while stirring until it gets thick. Cool and let it get completely cold in the refrigerator before serving.

Soups White wine Sugar Rhubarb ...

Clean the rhubarb and cut into smaller pieces. Pour water and wine into a pan, add rhubarb and sugar and let it boil 5-6 min so the rhubarb becomes soft. Then cool the rhubarb soup. Rinse the strawberries and remove 4 from used for decoration. Nip the strawber

Mains Onion Crème fraiche 38% White wine ...

The beef tenderloin cut into shredded shreds for a few minutes on a very hot pan in oil. Add crushed pepper and remove the forehead. Chopped onion rose golden in butter with chopped green pepper grains. Add sliced ​​mushroom, white wine, cream and cream fra