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Recipes with White wine

Desserts (cold) Juice of ½ lemon Vanilla sugar Sugar ...

The peaches are scalded and the skin is pulled off. The pieces and the stone are taken out and cut into thin slices. They are sprinkled with 50 g of sugar and the vanilla and stand cold for 1 hour. The water and the rest of the sugar are boiled and flattened w

Desserts (cold) Fresh Mint for garnish White wine Red currant jelly ...

Boil 1 dl white wine with 55 g sugar and 2 tbsp. Ribbed for 1-2 minutes. Bring the rhubarb and boil for 15 minutes. Let it cool off. Blend rhubarb masses. Freeze it down. The ice cream is served in a pint of glass decorated with a sprig of fresh mint.

Mains EVS. flat-leaf parsley Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

The rice is boiled, but boiled for 2 minutes. Less than indicated on the bag. Banana Salad and chilli are put into olive oil in a sauté pan or wok. When the onions are browned, add the mixed seafood and curry. After another couple of min. Add green pepper and

Mains Fresh dill Dill, fresh chopped Paprika ...

Mix the wine with lemon juice, oil, salt, pepper, sugar and chopped dill in a bowl. If you use large scallops, cut them through. Cut the fish in pieces 4-5 cm, and put both in the marinade. Mix and leave the bowl covered and cold for 2-3 hours. Cut the baco

Mains Vegetable marinade Salt Aromatic vinegar ...

Boil broth, wine, oil, vinegar, parsley and spices for the vegetable marrow for 5 minutes. Put the marinade, pour it back into the pan and season with salt. Arrow the bulbs and cut them in both. Peel the carrots and cut them into spell. Mushrooms and cut into

Drinks (warm) Apple juice Lemon White wine ...

Apple cheese and wine are mixed with sugar and heated to 60 g. Do not boil. In each glass, a paper-thin slice of lemon is placed without cores. The hot punch is sprinkled fine with stewed musk and poured up.

Mains Basil leaves 2 quarts of fresh basil Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt ...

The marinade is mixed and the medallions are laid down in this, so they are completely covered for at least one hour before being grilled. The medallions are grilled 2 - 5 min. On each side, depending on how hot the grill is. Potatoes boil, cool, peel and cut

Mains Pepper Reven should of 1 lime fruit Cane sugar or regular sugar as you like ...

Mix all parts of the marinade and put the fish pieces in, turn them over and over. Let them pull in the marinade for a couple of hours in the fridge. Turn on the grill (oven, electricity, or outdoor grill) and give them approx. 6 minutes on each side - or unti